Long Time Running

in Other Music
In Chicago Eddie sent out his best to Gord Downie during the hips last concert in Kingston. Myself with probably 15 million people watched Long Time Running tonight. Sorry Everyone, but must say one of the best documentaries I’ve seen. Sums up bands and music. Educational, emotional....fucking awesome.
“Been to a few...”
My wife said, "The Canadian way."
I replied, "Yup." But the more I thought about what she said in response to that moment in the program... the more I felt great about Canada and our mentality. I was reminded of the Tim Hortons ad- 'the Canadian standoff': where two goofballs argued as to who got to pay for the coffees.
Share. Care. Generous. Selfless.
Keep up the good work Canadians.
What a film -- sad but uplifting at the same time. A band with some great songs, and interesting to see a fanbase that I think rivals PJ's for dedication. Well worth the time to watch if you're so inclined.
seriously, though, I don't see how any band could function if not equal. I mean, resentment is BOUND to trickle in. especially if the difference is palpable. I'm sure all the guys in PJ are all rich, so it doesn't matter as much. But the Hip? almost all of the royalties probably would have gone to Bobby Baker and Gord. The bassist wrote the lyrics on the first record (EP) I think, but they haven't played those songs live in years, and barely get radio play.
-EV 8/14/93
what i like about sloan, is that they all contribute musically in the writing. I mean, sloan's last record was a double with each guy writing one side. that's pretty flippin' cool. I know the Hip split everything equally, but who really knows who wrote what.
-EV 8/14/93