"24" Appreciation thread**

jambayleafjambayleaf Posts: 646
I just want to say how awesome this show is, and if you haven't seen it, go rent the first season, you will be hooked. Awesome so far this season. Jack Bauer really is screwing things up though, for being a superhero and all.
So now I'm drivin the bus- Kramer
You're batman!- George
Yeah...yeah...I AM batman!!- Kramer
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • I am in total support of this appreciation thread!! It really is my favorite show. I have gotten all of my friends and family hooked on this show. It is always exciting to watch and there is never a dull moment. When you expect something to happen, the exact opposite does. It's awesome!!!

    24 is to TV as Pearl Jam is to music!!!
    "I'll ride the wave where it takes me..." -'Release' PJ
  • They always get robbed by some law show on the emmys too. The writing is spectacular!
    So now I'm drivin the bus- Kramer
    You're batman!- George
    Yeah...yeah...I AM batman!!- Kramer
  • Excellent call starting a "24" appreciation thread. I love the way they stretch the limits of what"s on network T.V. Never know what to expect. One of the few shows I make a point to watch every week.
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me

    I'll hold the pain, RELEASE ME!
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