William Patrick Corgan

in Other Music
Bash all you want......but this album is damn beautiful.
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
I don't really think he's a douchebag, but he's one of those people with no filter. Usually when you interview athletes or famous people they have very polished carefully constructed responses that don't really say much about anything. Corgan speaks his mind, his opinions and never filters anything. It makes him come off as an a-hole sometimes, but I respect that he doesn't guard himself like most other famous people...
Besides if I found the person behind the music annoying I'd never listen to U2
1992- Lollapalooza, Irvine, California
Nothing since then. I suck.2016- Fenway Park, Boston - Both glorious nights
2022- Oakland Night 2
2024 Sacramento, CA
Given the lack of 90s bands left. The prospect of an original pumpkins lineup reunion has me pretty stoked. I'd love to see that. It's been 20 years since i've seen them, and even then it was the short stint with another drummer (after Jimmy got kicked out of the band for a while) The upside being I think the drummer was Matt Chamberlain... lol....
sometimes it's hard for me to enjoy his music because he comes off as such a dick, but he is still incredibly talented.
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
Half Life of an Autodidact.
what in the sweet fuck is an autodidact?
Amarinthe? Antitam? Zowie? come on, Billy. stop flipping through your thesaurus on the shitter.
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
It is sad that he had a traumatic youth... I'm never really quite sure how to deal with that kind of info when it comes to dickweeds (or worse) though.
I don't know why, but Matt Good is the same for me. I have a hard time enjoying his music because he's such an ass.
-EV 8/14/93
Pearl jam?? - hardly any new music..average at best.
WPC has a history of releasing every single thing he writes, at least eventually. he throws all the shit at the wall and sees what sticks. that's part of the reason people can't get into his music; there's too much water to wade through.
that comment about his contemporaries was gross.
-EV 8/14/93
most of WPC's SP stuff sounds mostly the same as it always has. Adore was an anomaly, but everything else.....kinda just a rehash of things he's done in the past. And I have it ALL. LOL. I keep giving the guy a shot.
-EV 8/14/93