"why are there so many mass shootings today?"
...a good article to read.
...addresses the root systemic problem.
...addresses the root systemic problem.
live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
Post edited by ajedigecko on
We discussed something along these lines. Where do people have an outlet now? Fighting is frowned upon. You can't fight in school anymore because you'll get expelled.
You can't fight in public anymore, you'll get sued.
Everything seems to be "extreme" now. Hell, even Bear in the Brown family wants to do EVERYTHING extreme and he doesn't even have a TV!
A high testosterone human male is pretty likely to encounter that urge now and again, and aside from a lifetime of meditation on the subject, that isn't going to change.
Our biology is still very much in play, a civilized man rejects and suppresses the urge to violence and sex, but our brain chemistry still produces those urges regularly.
That being said, this theory is dumb lol
The people doing the mass shootings have something very wrong with them.
What makes them snap?!?
-EV 8/14/93
She dies in 1975. The theory was published in 1969. I think we can safely say that there have been many changes in society since then that Ms. Arendht didn't predict. I do, however, agree that many (though by no means all, or even the majority) acts of violence come out of a feeling of powerlessness to effect change in other ways.
The Vegas shooter planned this for years. No evidence to suggest that he "snapped".
Oh, sure. I'm not justifying it at all. Some people are pretty cognitively limited and have limited skills to resolve issues in other ways, or to accept that they may have lost something (such as a relationship).
"Can't" or "won't".
Have I been the only one standing in a giant crowd, or seen a giant crowd and though "It only takes 1 guy with the right gun(s) to kill hundreds right now?" Instead of 1 guy going into a McDonalds and shooting 3 people, its going to a more crowded place and killing more. The way this has progressed I'm surprised anyone is shocked by this. I'm terribly saddened, of course, but not shocked.
Most males experience those urges pretty regularly, though some guys aren't as slappy as others.
Why did the serial murderer do what they did? What made the mass murderer 'snap'? How can we prevent these things from happening? We note commonalities among these types and we trace their roots to try and understand what made these people do what they did... but I don't think we are capable of truly understanding or, for that matter, accepting what we seek.
Apes such as chimpanzees and baboons demonstrate cruelty in various manners. Unfortunately, straight across the board, we're not too far removed from them in this particular facet of life. As much as we have developed intellectually and socially... we still harbour inherent levels of evil. The perfect storm of nature and nurture periodically creates a disaster of a human being that displays exceptional levels of evil.
-EV 8/14/93