A Curse Monster I've Made

I can taste the jealous bile biting the throat,
A curse monster I've made spitting beautifully into my eyes.
I can, too, recall those hang dog hours of self-pity, loathing the life & breath inside me.
I can, too, conjure devils & death if I wish.
Black cold brutality of the reality we must wade through on our mediocre rise to nowhere but a grave.
He is a gorgeous monster my friends.
Watch him burn & writhe in silhouette blaze of your torches & pitchforks.
Watch him leap up in melodic agony.
I am no longer keeping his chains or letting him wonder where the words came from,
He's found them all on his own at the bottom of everything.
A curse monster I've made spitting beautifully into my eyes.
I can, too, recall those hang dog hours of self-pity, loathing the life & breath inside me.
I can, too, conjure devils & death if I wish.
Black cold brutality of the reality we must wade through on our mediocre rise to nowhere but a grave.
He is a gorgeous monster my friends.
Watch him burn & writhe in silhouette blaze of your torches & pitchforks.
Watch him leap up in melodic agony.
I am no longer keeping his chains or letting him wonder where the words came from,
He's found them all on his own at the bottom of everything.
I'm like a tab