Collectionzz Poster Event

in Lost Dogs
Tomorrow at 2pm, the website collectionzz will be having a flash sale for gig posters and memorabilia. Over 80 items.
Click the link here to get registered. There is a preview post on the home page after you register explaining the details. Robinson
Click the link here to get registered. There is a preview post on the home page after you register explaining the details. Robinson
Good luck everyone on the sale!
1. I like having seven days to research an offered item and to ask specific questions of the seller before I buy or bid.
2. The seller can upload up to 12 photos of the item so I can see close-ups of damage or signatures etc.
3. I like having protection from eBay and Paypal in case the item I bought was misrepresented or lost or damaged in transit.
Basically, if I'm going to drop several hundred dollars on an item, I want time to make an educated decision and not be pressured into making a hasty - and possibly foolish, "flash" purchase.
I mean, what's the rush?
1. Not regarding the flash event, you have all the time in the world to utilize the site for what it is being designed for and that is to connect with other collectors. See their stuff, buy, sale, and trade with.
You can message all that you want with an individual.
2. You can upload as many pictures as you want of each item.
3. You use and have PayPal thru these purchases and have full security.
4. This is a flash sale of highly sought after posters. These sales are ran to promote the site and to help spread the word. Getting more people on board to build their collection right on the site.
5. There have been multiples emails sent out regarding the event with contact information provided for the use of any questions.
I want to see the site develop onto what it really has potential to be.
Eddie Vedder Solo Melbourne - 2011-2014
Seattle 1 & 2 2018
Missoula 2018
Baltimore, New York 2020 😭
EV & Earthlings New York 1 & 2 - 2022
EV & Earthlings New Jersey - 2022
What concerns me is that, because no prices are given in the "preview", and due to the very nature of the "flash sale" where one has to make a very fast decision or lose the item, people are apt to pay more than they had wanted to.
Ever since I first read about these "flash sales" I've sensed a sort of elitest atmosphere of "if you have to ask how much it cost, then you can't afford it" and nobody wants to be seen as being too poor to run with the big boys.
Just my opinion...
I understand what you mean in regards to a knee-jerk reaction.
A buyer does his homework, sees that a poster he really wants is currently worth $400. -$500. top dollar.
Then he's at the "flash sale", sees his item, it costs $550. and, because he has no time to think, he buys it.
He now has paid 10% more than he wanted to pay and more than the poster is worth.
And that's what I believe the "flash sale" is largely intended to do - get people to panic and overpay.
Camden - 98,00,03,06
Philly - 05,09,13,16(1&2)
MSG - 16(1&2)
Ottawa - 16
Sao Paulo - 15
Wrigley 1&2 16
TOTD - Philly 1 16
Krakow 18
Berlin 18
Seattle 1&2 18
Boston 2 18
I also see the same people churn out 'grail' after 'grail', putting out auctions and pretending like they are doing everyone a huge service.... people are buying like 4 slots for $100 for a 6% chance to win an $800 item. People either have gambling issues, or just money to burn. I just cant comprehend. I wouldn't be shocked of some of these people were behind "collectzionzzzzzz" too.
And, it's very profitable for them, too.
They save the 10% eBay seller's fee and grab another 10% or more in overpricing.
And just because it is a flash sale doesn't mean it requires a flash purchase. If you choose not to read the descriptions and notes on the product, that is completely on you. Sure you run the risk on missing out on it, but how is that different from a buy it now option on ebay where x amount of people are after it right after it's listed and someone could buy it at any time? It's not. And if you dont like the price... don't buy!
I used to dislike the title including "flash" in it, but I like it in the sense that in a flash all of these awesome products are put up for sale and they could also be gone from the market forever in a flash as well.
Keep up the good work Collectionzz. I need to update my page more often. Looking forward to watching the sale go down in a few minutes.
Cincinnati 2014
Greenville 2016
(Raleigh 2016)
Columbia 2016
I see things here on Lost Dogs all the time that are wayyyyy overpriced compared to recent ebay sales so if i see the flash sale listing something higher than usual its not shocking. Its still your choice to buy it.