Edited for Clarity and Length

DK69493DK69493 Posts: 15
edited May 2021 in The Porch
Post edited by DK69493 on


  • No brainer, go to Manchester Orchestra.  You can watch Let's Play Two later on 100 times once it's out.  The latest Manchester Orchestra album is fantastic (so are most of their albums).  I'm jealous you've got that choice, no screening and no Manchester Orchestra in my region :(
  • cp3iversoncp3iverson Posts: 8,680
    Caught Manchester at ACL one year.  Amazing live band.  Go
  • nalyd61nalyd61 Posts: 722
    Hands down Manchester.   New album is great.  
  • Go with Manchester Orchestra. I love PJ more than anything but MO is astonishing live
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