Do you believe in miracles?
I recently launched a social media campaign (reaching over 10,000 people) to help revive an annual music festival I hosted for 10 consecutive years that helped raise money for various local charities in South Florida. The idea and concept are a bit far-fetched, although I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t believe that it could actually happen at the time of the launch. As reality starts to kick in on how difficult it is to even reach a band of Pearl Jam's status, I have to push hard one last time to try and make something happen (anything).
I can only pray, hope and beg that I can reach them to glance at my story, idea and plan on the site I created
I understand that what I’m asking on the site is a bit of a stretch, but at this point, I’d take any type of reaction from anyone affiliated with the band! Anything that can help spark the revival for another run at a good thing we had going.
PJ's music and energy has inspired me to accomplish great things during the span of hosting the festival and if there's anyone on here that can help me, I would really appreciate it!
Email me,
Looks like you are raising money for charities, and I applaud you for those past efforts, as well as your attempt to set up something so ambitious this time around.
Try posting in ACTS as well.
Great work in the past!
Thank you for your input. You're right, it is about me. My passion is to create these events that not only create positive energy throughout my community, but also raise money for different causes in doing so. I believe the members of the band share my passion, and its why i'm doing everything in my power to reach out to them. We all have our reasons for connecting so deeply with Pearl Jam, this is mine. Cheers!
Thank you for your feedback. On the website, you can find the link to each of the charities we've donated in the past. In the "Plan" section, you can see that all the proceeds for the proposed event will benefit Castaways against Cancer. Check out more info here:
Thanks again!
I could not think of a more worthy cause!
Please check them out and if you are so inclined, CONTRIBUTE!
Seems about as legit as Bostonlou asking the band to play his backyard.