FS: Signed PJ Vitalogy LP, Green River-Come on Down LP, Brad-Interiors LP, Three Fish LP

Need to raise some $ to pay for new baby and bills, so I am reluctantly listing some of my collection.  Let me know if interested.  Thanks.

Pearl Jam Vitalogy LP Signed by Stone, Jeff and Jack Irons $450 

Green River Come On Down LP Signed by Jeff and Stone $400

Brad - Interiors LP(bought in Australia) Signed by Shawn Smith, Stone, and Regan Hagar $325

Three Fish LP Signed by Jeff and Richard Stuverud $280


  • cropdustdaircropdustdair Lakewood, CO / Earth Posts: 2,006
    That Vitalogy is sweet with Jack's signature in gold.
  • Yeah, very hard to give up.  Thus I put it at a price I could not refuse.  Probably won't get any bites, but I guess that is okay :-)  Lucky that Jack plays in these side bands in LA every now and then and I am able to go check him out and bring my vinyl.
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