My poems....

As you have endless hours
To keep your candle burning
Bright with your dream
To chase your heart
There’s always a wind
That threatens to blow it out
It’s always there
And it keeps you captive
You’re poor yet rich
With life and expression
Oh but you think you could do more
With a fat pocket
But now you get what you think you should have
You get that other life
Your pocket is bursting
You think you can throw its contents
Onto your internal fire
To keep it burning
But now the snuffer sets overhead
Threatening to choke the life out of
Your own candle flame of life
Of expression and emotion
And each day a small part of you
Flickers and flickers
And then the candle inside dies
I'd rather be sad than rich
Somewhere in there the candle
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird