pretty sure there were some old threads about ghosts which i participated but yeah i'm a believer. Never really experienced anything paranormal but may have twice. I remember when i was a teenager i had this really bad nightmare that someone invisible was chasing me. I woke up my sheets blankets and pillows were pretty much all on the floor and i was facing the end of my bed when i woke up. I do not toss and turn in my sleep and that was the only time that had happened. Our house was kinda odd/weird. I was usually scared to be there by myself.
My other "odd" experience happened about ten years ago. I was laying in my bed trying to fall asleep. All of the sudden i hear my name being called not once, but twice. I have had this happen to me before but it's usually just one time. Well right after i heard my name being called a second time there was a loud "banging" noise at the foot of my bed like someone punched the mattress or something. I just layed very still for a minute then said anyone there? My mom thought and i kinda agreed with her that it was probably a guardian angel.
always wanted to go to a haunted house and experience something. Perhaps one day.
8/28/98- Camden, NJ
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
About 15 Years ago I had built a new house on a lake, and one night right after I first moved in ,I woke up for some reason around 3 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep right away so I got up and was gonna go have a cig on the deck that was attached to my bedroom suite, I'm standing at the patio door about ready to slide it open when I looked across my yard directly towards the lake and could've sworn up and down I saw a native camp. The men were walking around and some women sitting like they were doing beadwork or something like that. It blew me away and so I go out on the deck and have my smoke and looked again and they were gone, everything was gone. Didnt think much about it till a few weeks later I'm with a friend at the resort nearby having lunch and I'm telling my friend what I saw when this middle aged guy( that I've never met or seen before) was sitting at a table near me turned around kinda freaked out and blurted out "You see them too, Thank God!" Turns out this guy lived across the lake from me and he's seen what I've seen and he's seen them more than once. I'm not sure what we've seen, some sort of parallel universe, time warp, I dont know, one thing for sure they weren't wearing modern clothing.
About 15 Years ago I had built a new house on a lake, and one night right after I first moved in ,I woke up for some reason around 3 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep right away so I got up and was gonna go have a cig on the deck that was attached to my bedroom suite, I'm standing at the patio door about ready to slide it open when I looked across my yard directly towards the lake and could've sworn up and down I saw a native camp. The men were walking around and some women sitting like they were doing beadwork or something like that. It blew me away and so I go out on the deck and have my smoke and looked again and they were gone, everything was gone. Didnt think much about it till a few weeks later I'm with a friend at the resort nearby having lunch and I'm telling my friend what I saw when this middle aged guy( that I've never met or seen before) was sitting at a table near me turned around kinda freaked out and blurted out "You see them too, Thank God!" Turns out this guy lived across the lake from me and he's seen what I've seen and he's seen them more than once. I'm not sure what we've seen, some sort of parallel universe, time warp, I dont know, one thing for sure they weren't wearing modern clothing.
My wife believes in ghosts. Me, I believe we have three young kids who are lazy assholes. If something 'was moved' in the house the most probable reason is our asshole kids. They do shit for no reason other then they are my children and thus assholes.
#science #Math
Tom Brady & Donald Trump, BFF's Fuckus rules all Rob Seattle
My wife believes in ghosts. Me, I believe we have three young kids who are lazy assholes. If something 'was moved' in the house the most probable reason is our asshole kids. They do shit for no reason other then they are my children and thus assholes.
#science #Math
You can't think about the most probable need to be more open to the most improbable answer.....or some other such nonsense.
I guess I'm undecided. I think I will be skeptical until I see/hear them from myself. I've tried talking my girlfriend into visiting haunted places but they have been futile efforts.
"A smart monkey doesn't monkey around with another monkey's monkey" - Darwin's Theory
OMGkatwoman interesting story you shared. I think it's very understandable that someone who hasn't encountered ghosts themselves don't believe in them.
OMGkatwoman interesting story you shared. I think it's very understandable that someone who hasn't encountered ghosts themselves don't believe in them.
That was the tip of the iceberg so to speak of what occurred after, there was also a "gift" left after that, I will post photos sometime tomorrow, but, I will say I've had it examined by a native center and it's from the Ojibwe Tribe and old with their "particular" beading pattern and beads etc.. that was used. I'll post photos tomorrow after I go in my storage room and unpack it from the box I have it in. Update- I found it, sorry the photos are so big still cant figure how to size the photos! It is made out of buttery soft buckskin and the bead work is so intricate and amazing, it is a scabbard
The voices that are heard and have prevented accidents could possibly be some sort of guardian angel. Just my opinion....I know that some people will laugh at this idea!
The voices that are heard and have prevented accidents could possibly be some sort of guardian angel. Just my opinion....I know that some people will laugh at this idea!
Not all of though! Just a few .... so what! Oh forgot too add, I agree about the guardian angel, spirit guides whatever per belief/witnessed system !
I always wonder why a skeptic like me never has these experiences?
Maybe you're just not open to it, and so don't have those experiences?
Or the most logical reason, ghosts are as real as Santa Claus.
WHAAAAAT? Santa Claus isn't real?
I see it as some people are more sensitive to this than others. Or function on a higher frequency. It's all a mystery. And you're right, I can't prove it. I can only share my own experiences. Some believers jump to that as the first and definite explanation for everything. I'll give you that. But I love science. I always look for a logical and scientific explanation. Sure, the apparitions could be visual and auditory hallucinations or my synapses misfiring. But how does my brain know what's about to happen? Or see visions of friends far away or feel their emotions and be correct? I don't know either. But I respect your non-belief and sharing your opinion on the matter.
i have never experienced anything paranormal. i do not believe that i am any kind of a sensitive or anything. i know people who have seen ghosts. i know people who belong to paranormal investigation groups that have photographed orbs and recorded spirit voices and what not. it is pretty interesting stuff though. i am a very vivid dreamer and i have been visited in dreams by deceased friends and relatives, but i have never seen them or had them touch me or anything. it could just be me dreaming that they communicated with me.
i do believe in energy. spiritual energy. energy cannot be created or destroyed, so it has to go somewhere or exist somewhere. i don't know whether it is residual energy from that person, or spiritual energy.
my mom, who is a serious person like myself, swears up and down that she has seen the spirit of her dad twice shortly after he died in 1977. one time he appeared at the house my mom and dad had moved in to shortly after he died. she saw him in the front of the house watching her mow the grass. the other time was several months later in the basement. my mom was ironing clothes and he was standing there. she said she tried to walk towards him and he disappeared. i never asked her if she has seen him since. nobody else in my family has seen him though.
good topic for a thread.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
When I was 14 or 15 or 16, I used to hear breathing in my bedroom--coming from right above me
Fully awake, I would try to think of the reasons I was hearing this and what it could be. My parents were downstairs. It didn't make sense.
For some reason--and I'm easily spooked--it wasn't scary to me. Instead of being scared, my mind would just wander to what it could possibly be.... I'd hear my parents downstairs talking or whatever..... I'd hear the TV they were watching.... and I'd hear this guy unexplainably breathing right above me
Anyway, this went on for about 10 days I'd say, and it was always when I was laying down to go to sleep.
Then one night, the breather took a heavy sigh and said, "Oh God" and at this point I became very scared.
Thankfully, though, the breathing stopped and I never heard it again...that night or ever.
He was probably trying to communicate with you and got frustrated.
I love reading everyone's stories.
My dad came to me once when I was like 10 or 11 and was crying and praying to God every night for months to send him back (He died when I was 18 months old). One summer night, I woke up and felt horribly cold. A brilliant light filled the room and there he was. He stood next to my bed and held his hand out as I did. Obviously, we couldn't touch but he told me to hang on and everything will be ok. I hung on. The day I met my husband, he (hubby) dreamt of him and my grandpa. The description matched. It was like my dad saying this is the good thing that I get for all my suffering. And you know what? I wouldn't change a thing.
always a favorite topic of mine. thanks to those for sharing your experiences. heading to gettysburg one of these times, alone or with the g/f. could be a bit overdue for something.
gimmiesometruth mentioned knowing folks who have photographed orbs, that is neat stuff. anyhow, often times dust blowing about can appear like orbs. anyhow, one day im at the computer making a goofy little video of me reading my poetry or something. afterwards i watch the thing & there is a giant orb shaped like a snake in flight behind me & going upwards towards the ceiling. i caught it on video for maybe 5 seconds or some shit. the energy appears to be a good 12 inches long or longer with what i call a head & the body/tail. it is not light from headlights coming through the window, it is not a light bulb flashing on or off. it is exactly as i am saying it is. it is a great find that's for sure
Wow. That would freak me out so badly. I usually see lights and shadows. Sometimes I can see light or dark shadows hovering around or approaching a person. Oftentimes I feel what other people are feeling. I've seen and heard spirits but the only spirit that I've seen and heard at the same time was my father. Twice. The time when I was a kid and just last month, on the anniversary of his death.
always a favorite topic of mine. thanks to those for sharing your experiences. heading to gettysburg one of these times, alone or with the g/f. could be a bit overdue for something.
gimmiesometruth mentioned knowing folks who have photographed orbs, that is neat stuff. anyhow, often times dust blowing about can appear like orbs. anyhow, one day im at the computer making a goofy little video of me reading my poetry or something. afterwards i watch the thing & there is a giant orb shaped like a snake in flight behind me & going upwards towards the ceiling. i caught it on video for maybe 5 seconds or some shit. the energy appears to be a good 12 inches long or longer with what i call a head & the body/tail. it is not light from headlights coming through the window, it is not a light bulb flashing on or off. it is exactly as i am saying it is. it is a great find that's for sure
yeah cool stories everyone.
My sister went to Gettysburg. Don't think she experienced anything paranormal but I'm pretty sure she said she stayed in the same dorm room as the "blue boy" for a semester.
8/28/98- Camden, NJ
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
In the summer of '95, after graduation and before college, I worked night shift (11p-8a) in a factory about 45 minutes away. Much of the drive was state and county roads with plenty of winding turns & hills and not much for a shoulder. One night as I'm cresting this hill around a turn where a church sat on the left-hand side of the road, I see a man standing just outside the white line on the right side of the road. He was wearing what appeared to be a late 19th century morning suit with a Victorian style priest's hat. His entire being was sepia-toned, though I could not make out a face as he held his head low. He stood straight, head down, arms straight with his hands at his sides. In his right hand was a pistol. Everything about him looked like he was transported straight out of the 1880's.
I came around the bend and there he was, about 30 feet ahead, standing stone cold on the side of the road. I hit my breaks as it scared the shit out of me at first but sped up when I noticed the pistol. I looked back in my rearview as I passed by and even tapped my breaks again to see if I could see him in my break lights. Nothing. And never during any of this moment did the man so much as flinch, even though he was about 2 feet away from my passenger side when I passed him by.
There were 2 other vehicles behind me, both of which were people I worked with and the guy behind me had another co-worker with him . I asked all three of them when we got to work if they saw the man standing on the side of the road on the hill where the church was. There was no way you couldn't have seen him. When you come around the bend, your headlights shine directly at the spot he was standing. None of the three guys behind me saw him and all thought I was making it up. That was the only night that summer that I saw the man, and I've driven that road at night hundreds of times since then with no other sightings.
My other "odd" experience happened about ten years ago. I was laying in my bed trying to fall asleep. All of the sudden i hear my name being called not once, but twice. I have had this happen to me before but it's usually just one time. Well right after i heard my name being called a second time there was a loud "banging" noise at the foot of my bed like someone punched the mattress or something. I just layed very still for a minute then said anyone there? My mom thought and i kinda agreed with her that it was probably a guardian angel.
always wanted to go to a haunted house and experience something. Perhaps one day.
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
Ho ho ho.
Fuckus rules all
Fuckus rules all
I think it's very understandable that someone who hasn't encountered ghosts themselves don't believe in them.
a "gift" left after that, I will post photos sometime tomorrow, but, I will say I've had it examined by a native center and it's from the Ojibwe Tribe and old with their "particular" beading pattern and beads etc.. that was used. I'll post photos tomorrow after I go in my storage room and unpack it from the box I have it in. Update- I found it, sorry the photos are so big still cant figure how to size the photos! It is made out of buttery soft buckskin and the bead work is so intricate and amazing, it is a scabbard
- Mitch Hedberg
Oh forgot too add, I agree about the guardian angel, spirit guides whatever per belief/witnessed
system !
I see it as some people are more sensitive to this than others. Or function on a higher frequency. It's all a mystery. And you're right, I can't prove it. I can only share my own experiences. Some believers jump to that as the first and definite explanation for everything. I'll give you that. But I love science. I always look for a logical and scientific explanation. Sure, the apparitions could be visual and auditory hallucinations or my synapses misfiring. But how does my brain know what's about to happen? Or see visions of friends far away or feel their emotions and be correct? I don't know either. But I respect your non-belief and sharing your opinion on the matter.
Cincinnati 2014
Greenville 2016
(Raleigh 2016)
Columbia 2016
i do believe in energy. spiritual energy. energy cannot be created or destroyed, so it has to go somewhere or exist somewhere. i don't know whether it is residual energy from that person, or spiritual energy.
my mom, who is a serious person like myself, swears up and down that she has seen the spirit of her dad twice shortly after he died in 1977. one time he appeared at the house my mom and dad had moved in to shortly after he died. she saw him in the front of the house watching her mow the grass. the other time was several months later in the basement. my mom was ironing clothes and he was standing there. she said she tried to walk towards him and he disappeared. i never asked her if she has seen him since. nobody else in my family has seen him though.
good topic for a thread.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
When I was 14 or 15 or 16, I used to hear breathing in my bedroom--coming from right above me
Fully awake, I would try to think of the reasons I was hearing this and what it could be. My parents were downstairs. It didn't make sense.
For some reason--and I'm easily spooked--it wasn't scary to me. Instead of being scared, my mind would just wander to what it could possibly be.... I'd hear my parents downstairs talking or whatever..... I'd hear the TV they were watching.... and I'd hear this guy unexplainably breathing right above me
Anyway, this went on for about 10 days I'd say, and it was always when I was laying down to go to sleep.
Then one night, the breather took a heavy sigh and said, "Oh God" and at this point I became very scared.
Thankfully, though, the breathing stopped and I never heard it again...that night or ever.
I love reading everyone's stories.
My dad came to me once when I was like 10 or 11 and was crying and praying to God every night for months to send him back (He died when I was 18 months old). One summer night, I woke up and felt horribly cold. A brilliant light filled the room and there he was. He stood next to my bed and held his hand out as I did. Obviously, we couldn't touch but he told me to hang on and everything will be ok. I hung on. The day I met my husband, he (hubby) dreamt of him and my grandpa. The description matched. It was like my dad saying this is the good thing that I get for all my suffering. And you know what? I wouldn't change a thing.
Real or not, it can be very comforting.
always a favorite topic of mine. thanks to those for sharing your experiences. heading to gettysburg one of these times, alone or with the g/f. could be a bit overdue for something.
gimmiesometruth mentioned knowing folks who have photographed orbs, that is neat stuff. anyhow, often times dust blowing about can appear like orbs. anyhow, one day im at the computer making a goofy little video of me reading my poetry or something. afterwards i watch the thing & there is a giant orb shaped like a snake in flight behind me & going upwards towards the ceiling. i caught it on video for maybe 5 seconds or some shit. the energy appears to be a good 12 inches long or longer with what i call a head & the body/tail. it is not light from headlights coming through the window, it is not a light bulb flashing on or off. it is exactly as i am saying it is. it is a great find that's for sure
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I usually see lights and shadows. Sometimes I can see light or dark shadows hovering around or approaching a person. Oftentimes I feel what other people are feeling. I've seen and heard spirits but the only spirit that I've seen and heard at the same time was my father. Twice. The time when I was a kid and just last month, on the anniversary of his death.
My sister went to Gettysburg. Don't think she experienced anything paranormal but I'm pretty sure she said she stayed in the same dorm room as the "blue boy" for a semester.
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
In the summer of '95, after graduation and before college, I worked night shift (11p-8a) in a factory about 45 minutes away. Much of the drive was state and county roads with plenty of winding turns & hills and not much for a shoulder. One night as I'm cresting this hill around a turn where a church sat on the left-hand side of the road, I see a man standing just outside the white line on the right side of the road. He was wearing what appeared to be a late 19th century morning suit with a Victorian style priest's hat. His entire being was sepia-toned, though I could not make out a face as he held his head low. He stood straight, head down, arms straight with his hands at his sides. In his right hand was a pistol. Everything about him looked like he was transported straight out of the 1880's.
I came around the bend and there he was, about 30 feet ahead, standing stone cold on the side of the road. I hit my breaks as it scared the shit out of me at first but sped up when I noticed the pistol. I looked back in my rearview as I passed by and even tapped my breaks again to see if I could see him in my break lights. Nothing. And never during any of this moment did the man so much as flinch, even though he was about 2 feet away from my passenger side when I passed him by.
There were 2 other vehicles behind me, both of which were people I worked with and the guy behind me had another co-worker with him . I asked all three of them when we got to work if they saw the man standing on the side of the road on the hill where the church was. There was no way you couldn't have seen him. When you come around the bend, your headlights shine directly at the spot he was standing. None of the three guys behind me saw him and all thought I was making it up. That was the only night that summer that I saw the man, and I've driven that road at night hundreds of times since then with no other sightings.