The Wheel

Been listening to Out of Sand a lot.
The Wheel.
The Wheel.
For a higher plain
Riding your wheel
I know a man
Built on the truth
But his life
Lived on a message that came
From a murky past
You are
Who you are
Did I come once before
Will I come again
Ask these questions
So, so close
To the truth
Your life blood
Pure as it were
To the last drop
Yet you stare
At your comfort
Drunk like baby
Suckling a pacifier
You are
Who you are
Did I come before
Will I come again
You had a start
You will meet your end
The in between is yours
Offer up your alms
For never to return
Stare at your comfort with eyes closed
To be numb
Your choices coloured
By your future
That will never come
You are
Who you are
Did I come before
Will I come again
The truth
So, so close
Ride it to the end
Ride your wheel
This blood in me
Fighting to die
Cause we
Want out
But i will overcome
By holding within
My blood
Never to drink