ISO Columbia 2008 Ames Poster

nicknyr15nicknyr15 Posts: 8,773
the one with the clash album cover image. Help me out! Thanks!! 


  • andrew68andrew68 Toronto Posts: 1,841
    one came up today on the bay.....overpriced but best offer accepted
    Any new realizations... would have to wait...
    Til he had more time,... more time...
    Time to dream,... to himself... he waves goodbye,
    To himself... I'll see you on the other side...
  • nicknyr15nicknyr15 Posts: 8,773
    Thanks Andrew. I'm really not looking to feed these idiots on eBay. I'm hoping another fan on here has one and has no need for it. I'm a big clash fan so that poster represents two of my worlds colliding lol. 
  • nicknyr15nicknyr15 Posts: 8,773
  • nicknyr15nicknyr15 Posts: 8,773
  • nicknyr15nicknyr15 Posts: 8,773
    Bump. Still looking 
  • nicknyr15nicknyr15 Posts: 8,773
    Well I was able to score one of these beauties from a very generous member here. And despite the package being shipped properly, USPS managed to absolutely mangle it beyond repair. I'm very upset. I will get my money back and I hope the seller will get a refund as well from usps. But honestly it goes beyond the money. It's principle. This is/was a piece of history that cannot be recreated and thanks to some asshole that treated it like it was garbage, it's now gone. I'd post pics but im clueless and to any true collector these pics would be horrifying lol. 

    Anyway, if anyone has one for sale please let me know. I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks! 
  • JH57554JH57554 Posts: 249
    If you're in the US, I have one available for $150 shipped.
  • nicknyr15nicknyr15 Posts: 8,773
    Thank you! While that's a fair price, it's more than I could swing now. I'll keep it in mind 
  • nicknyr15nicknyr15 Posts: 8,773
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