Wrigley 2016 N1 Ticket Stub

in Lost Dogs
I just bought some ticket stub albums to store the hundreds of stubs I've accumulated from concerts I've attended over the years (not all PJ). And I discovered that my stub from the Wrigley N1 show is missing. I've searched everywhere and it's nowhere to be found. This show/trip meant a lot to me, and my collection will never really feel complete unless I obtain one. So I'm really hoping some kind-hearted soul will be willing to help me out and send me an extra if they have one. I don't care if it's 10C, Live Nation, or whatever. I would greatly appreciate any help.
I don't really have much to offer in trade at the moment except for these...

I don't really have much to offer in trade at the moment except for these...

Would figure they wouldn't mind to give up a stub of a show they didn't attend.
Good luck