Ten Club Iron On Rooster

teamlovebone333teamlovebone333 Sea double T le Posts: 47
Anyone remember what year this was?

Hey nah nah nah nah ain't that somethin!


  • Running In The DarkRunning In The Dark Denver Posts: 692
    If a recall it was '94/'95
    107 Shows and counting
  • teamlovebone333teamlovebone333 Sea double T le Posts: 47

    If a recall it was '94/'95

    cool, i was thinking around then too, been that long since i've seen it :)
    Hey nah nah nah nah ain't that somethin!
  • AzuVedderRoddAzuVedderRodd Mexico Posts: 185
    I've been looking for this! :blush:
    Pm sent, @teamlovebone333
    No one slept here
  • PolarJack420PolarJack420 Pennsylvania Posts: 29
    I also have one if anyone is interested in trading
  • GardenpartyGardenparty Posts: 1,910
    woah blast from the past. I actually ironed that on to a shirt and wore it A LOT
    think was late 95 ish
    “I know this song so well, I can smoke a cigarette, have a drink, brush my teeth, take a shit, and mow the lawn while singing it. But I'll only be doing a couple of those things during this version.”
  • PolarJack420PolarJack420 Pennsylvania Posts: 29

  • teamlovebone333teamlovebone333 Sea double T le Posts: 47

    sweet, i should have that truck somewhere...been un boxing all of my pearl jam boxes..feels like christmas
    Hey nah nah nah nah ain't that somethin!
  • gregoryieldgregoryield Posts: 280
    Whoa. I put this on a t-shirt in high school, and then promptly ruined it via my poor laundry skills.
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