Does anyone have any idea what this instrument is?

A coworker brought this wanting to know about it but I've got nothing. I looked online for awhile and can't find anything that has a fretboard like this.

I am the Lizard King I can do anything
It has taken me years to master, but when you hear Given to Fly on this you will never want to hear another version again.
Just kidding, I had no idea what it was, but looked kinda cool so I googled a list of European stringed instruments and this was on it.
Seems like it is a variant of a lute and some other similar instruments I've never heard of.
Looks like they come in 2, 3 or 4 double courses which I think means double strings! Looks like this is the 3 version.
Anyway, the description and picture look almost exactly like what you have including the head, neck and fretting so I'm guessing that is it.
If nothing else I learned that weird fretting is called the Farkas system, thus Tambura Farkus.
Here's the link I got all that info from, about 2/3 down you'll find the Tambura.
Mind saying how you got that and if you plan to learn to play? Thing looks cool.