
  • deadendpdeadendp Posts: 10,434
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    Best Moments of Pearl Jam | Best Moments of Pearl Jam

    Pearl Jam is one of those bands of cult in which searching in its discography of insurance will find some subjects that you will like, and is that referring to Pearl Jam is to name one of the best bands of the present, as much for the quality of its Musicians as for his long career. For these reasons Pearl Jam will be inducted in the Rock Hall of Fame, a museum located in Cleveland (Ohio, United States) dedicated to the memory and memory of the most famous and influential artists in the industry Musical through the genre of rock music. In Back of the Counter we review the merits of his career for this inclusion.

    Since 1991, Seattle has had time to consolidate themselves in the music scene as messengers of the Grunge sound as well as to experiment and progress with other sounds and tendencies, both with Pearl Jam and each member in their solitary projects, with excellent group coordination due To the few rotations in its ranks that the group has presented from its creation, being the unique position that has rotated the battery, with several changes until the inclusion of Soundgarden battery Matt Cameron in 1998.

    We already mentioned his story and his wonderful Unplugged in an earlier article and now we summarize his musical history through the following videos:

    The first one covers the period from 1991 to 1999, presenting a fresh group, with an overflowing voice and some experienced musicians (remember that the bulk of the group already came from the successful group Mother Love Bone) giving the best of themselves, Forming part of the bands cataloged as "grunge" and that standardized by Nirvana would give the world the last musical movement. They got quite commercial success on their first three albums "Ten", "VS" and "Vitalogy" containing rabid hymns and energetic songs, singing at the beginning in small clubs until filling huge pavilions. During the period "No Code" part of the band feels a deep disgust for the success obtained, internal disputes begin and of course the change of sound, creating intimate and dark themes with a garage sound, producing a very important drop in the Sales and at the same time aggrandizing the group for its musical proposal in addition to these. "Yield" already presents us with a more focused band mixing what they learned in "No Code" next to the previous discs creating a disc praised by the critic.

    The second video begins with a cover of J. Frank Wilson and the Cavaliers called "Last Kiss," catapulting the group back to fame as their biggest hit thus far and including this hit on record to benefit the refugees of Kosovo "No Boundaries", beginning with his activist work. We continue with the time of the album "Binaural", again with the group on the break, struggling to see who leads the machinery of Pearl Jam, composing issues separately, but warning in consensus of a change of ideas and exhausting the Last punks and grunge patterns that remained, being this a hinge disk between the past and the future. Already with "Riot Act" begins a much quieter time both musical and physical effort on stage, with a folk sound, experimental and a resounding commercial failure, compromising at the same time with political activism. At the time of the homonymous album "Pearl Jam" they leave the folk aside to return to the Rock but with a cleaner sound, it follows "Backspacer" a disc rock and pop, arriving until the time of "Lighting Bolt", that contains a Mix of all rock, punk, folk and some experiment.

    It is worth mentioning one of the virtues of Pearl Jam and is that at all times have not had during the concerts a set setlist and go "improvising" any songs from his discography, surprising the viewer in any recital.

    Renew or die but always being genuine.
    2014: Cincinnati
    2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
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