ISO: 2001 Fan Club 7" vinyl

Any one have one they would like to sell? PM me with details if so. Thank you.


  • ski-bumski-bum Boston Posts: 1,020
    There are some here.

    I got a couple of mine from there to complete my set.
    9/15/98 - Great Woods................9/29/04 - Fleet Center.....................8/02/08 - Opera House (EV)............10/16/13 - DCU Center
    8/29/00 - Tweeter Center............5/24/06 - Banknorth Garden............5/17/10 - Banknorth Garden.............08/05/16 - Fenway Park
    7/11/03 - Tweeter Center............5/25/06 - Banknorth Garden............6/16/11 - Wang Theatre (EV)............08/07/16 - Fenway Park
    9/28/04 - Fleet Center................6/30/08 - Tweeter Center
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