I think that's based on bias towards the cause. What happened in San Jose during 16 is despicable. The Berkeley protests fall into the same category. Think about how the far left has protested over the past few years. And don't bring up C'ville. No one is defending that, least of all me. But there are problems materializing in the far left.
Intolerance and attempted violent suppression of First Amendment rights cuts all ways. The test of our democracy and Constitution is precisely our ability to tolerate speech we find abhorrent.
Kind of getting into the intolerance of intolerance zone there though... I don't find this really comparable. Also, I feel like you're playing pretty fast and loose by calling people with those views Bernie Bros. Trump supporters are one thing. And then left wing extremists and PC-gone-wild types are something completely different altogether. They are not each other's counterpart at all IMO.
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Kind of getting into the intolerance of intolerance zone there though... I don't find this really comparable. Also, I feel like you're playing pretty fast and loose by calling people with those views Bernie Bros. Trump supporters are one thing. And then left wing extremists and PC-gone-wild types are something completely different altogether. They are not each other's counterpart at all IMO.
So are you saying that the equivalent of Trump base are anarchists? I'm not saying that anyone that voted for Bernie in the primary is a Bernie Bro.
I wonder if Team Trump Treason was thinking of this kind of “chemistry?”
Trump explains why he congratulated Putin for election win, says other presidents lacked 'chemistry' with Russian leader - Fox News https://apple.news/Acjaiz9vOSl67ScVku4mbbA
Kind of getting into the intolerance of intolerance zone there though... I don't find this really comparable. Also, I feel like you're playing pretty fast and loose by calling people with those views Bernie Bros. Trump supporters are one thing. And then left wing extremists and PC-gone-wild types are something completely different altogether. They are not each other's counterpart at all IMO.
So are you saying that the equivalent of Trump base are anarchists? I'm not saying that anyone that voted for Bernie in the primary is a Bernie Bro.
What? No. I'm saying that nothing is equivalent to Trump's base. There is no "other side of the coin" for those people at all. Yeah, I know you're not saying that anyone who voted for Bernie is a Bernie Bro. But it seemed like you were saying that those people featured in those links you posted are, and that the violent protesters at Berkeley were ... and maybe that 20% of college students who say that inclusiveness is more important than free speech are? I don't agree at all. If anything, all the Bernie supporters who did NONE of those things are the Bernie Bros.... Or maybe the term Bernie Bros is just a completely moot term. I mean, if what you're saying are Bernie Bros really are... then that's pretty weird, because Bernie doesn't seem to want anything to do with people like that, and they don't seem to represent what Bernie stands for at all, so why would they be called that anyhow? Or maybe I am not understanding you!
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Kind of getting into the intolerance of intolerance zone there though... I don't find this really comparable. Also, I feel like you're playing pretty fast and loose by calling people with those views Bernie Bros. Trump supporters are one thing. And then left wing extremists and PC-gone-wild types are something completely different altogether. They are not each other's counterpart at all IMO.
So are you saying that the equivalent of Trump base are anarchists? I'm not saying that anyone that voted for Bernie in the primary is a Bernie Bro.
What? No. I'm saying that nothing is equivalent to Trump's base. There is no "other side of the coin" for those people at all. Yeah, I know you're not saying that anyone who voted for Bernie is a Bernie Bro. But it seemed like you were saying that those people featured in those links you posted are, and that the violent protesters at Berkeley were ... and maybe that 20% of college students who say that inclusiveness is more important than free speech are? I don't agree at all. If anything, all the Bernie supporters who did NONE of those things are the Bernie Bros.... Or maybe the term Bernie Bros is just a completely moot term. I mean, if what you're saying are Bernie Bros really are... then that's pretty weird, because Bernie doesn't seem to want anything to do with people like that, and they don't seem to represent what Bernie stands for at all, so why would they be called that anyhow? Or maybe I am not understanding you!
Bernie Bros are hardcore Sanders supporters from the campaign who harassed, trolled and verbally attacked Hillary supporters in terms that were often sexist, and always over the top. It hit a peak when that doctor eviscerated her before Sanders speech in NYC in a way that Trump would actually love. The Sanders campaign had to apologize although Sanders didn't apologize when he took the podium. They showed themselves with their rude, juvenile outbursts at the Democratic Convention, threatening the entire process. The Sanders campaign knew it was a problem and they tried to tweet out calls for civility, but they did not change the trajectory. Perhaps you didn't read or see too much about it up in Canada, but if you were in a battleground state like me, it was news.
From the official online dictionary of record (urban of course)... Bernie Bro
An insufferable, self-righteous, left wing activist, who refers to everyone who doesn't share his narrow political views (a.k.a. anyone who doesn't feel the Bern) as a corporate puppet/media whore.
- How dare you question Bernie's electoral program, you Wallstreet boot licking corporate whore!!!!! - Dude, chill the fuck out. You're becoming such a Bernie Bro.
And if that is what Bernie Bros are.... I think that is terrible term. It's really unfair to Bernie Sanders IMO. (are they all guys btw? What's the "bros"?)
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
And if that is what Bernie Bros are.... I think that is terrible term. It's really unfair to Bernie Sanders IMO. (are they all guys btw? What's the "bros"?)
No, not always men, but always aggressive. Seems to be more men than women. Bernie should have shut it down earlier. He tried, particularly after the NYC event, but the die was cast on that momentum. The convention was a travesty. If you remember "Free" who was on here a lot last year, that would be a prototypical Bernie Bro. They reject compromise and very difficult to reason with. Dignin's cartoon nails it.
And if that is what Bernie Bros are.... I think that is terrible term. It's really unfair to Bernie Sanders IMO. (are they all guys btw? What's the "bros"?)
No, not always men, but always aggressive. Seems to be more men than women. Bernie should have shut it down earlier. He tried, particularly after the NYC event, but the die was cast on that momentum. The convention was a travesty. If you remember "Free" who was on here a lot last year, that would be a prototypical Bernie Bro. They reject compromise and very difficult to reason with. Dignin's cartoon nails it.
To be fair to Bernie, I'm sure he didn't want to draw even more attention to a bunch of kooks than was already drawn. To fight any harder to shut it down would be making it an even bigger deal.
Just thought of the biggest reason these two groups aren't comparable btw... Trump fucking encourages his nut jobs. He loves them. He holds rallies for them. Bernie wants nothing to do with his, lol. Again, I feel like calling those types "Bernie Bros", which does lead to people comparing them to Trump supporters, is misleading and unfair to Bernie and the vast majority of his supporters.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
And if that is what Bernie Bros are.... I think that is terrible term. It's really unfair to Bernie Sanders IMO. (are they all guys btw? What's the "bros"?)
No, not always men, but always aggressive. Seems to be more men than women. Bernie should have shut it down earlier. He tried, particularly after the NYC event, but the die was cast on that momentum. The convention was a travesty. If you remember "Free" who was on here a lot last year, that would be a prototypical Bernie Bro. They reject compromise and very difficult to reason with. Dignin's cartoon nails it.
To be fair to Bernie, I'm sure he didn't want to draw even more attention to a bunch of kooks than was already drawn. To fight any harder to shut it down would be making it an even bigger deal.
Just thought of the biggest reason these two groups aren't comparable btw... Trump fucking encourages his nut jobs. He loves them. He holds rallies for them. Bernie wants nothing to do with his, lol. Again, I feel like calling those types "Bernie Bros", which does lead to people comparing them to Trump supporters, is misleading and unfair to Bernie and the vast majority of his supporters.
You'll notice I never compared Trump to Sanders.
As far as your first point... I don't know. I think he liked the energy at first but then when it started to get bad PR, it was hard to pull it back. Now I'm sure I'm biased (as we all are) since I didn't like Sanders from the start. But I'm a moderate Dem, have been for a long time.
That's a pretty extremist last sentence there buddy.
(Yeah, I know you didn't compare Trump to Sanders. You compared Trump supporters to Bernie Bros.... Still not comparable, for plenty of reasons, some already mentioned... another big one is simply subject matter. Not all extremists are equal man. I think really that's what you're trying to say, and I strongly disagree with that viewpoint).
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
If you weren't already worried about Russia, you should be now - CNN https://apple.news/AxgIGs2DTTUiH-aRpJGmI3Q Yep and our gate keeper just gave the keys to his master with yesterday’s call ...
"Earlier this month, Russian intrusions took a sinister new turn, with the joint FBI-Department of Homeland Security disclosure that the Russians have been hacking US infrastructure, including the electric grid.
If you weren't already worried about Russia, you should be now, and
it's past time for the United States to define what a "proportionate
response" looks like in these new forms of grayscale warfare (not armed
conflict, but not peaceful coexistence, either).
why Americans should be worried. According to the FBI and DHS, the
Russians have been stealing information and testing attack scenarios on
the structure and operations of the US electric grid, including
industrial control and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems. Attacking those systems, particularly in a way that does permanent damage, could lead to a prolonged power outage."
And now the question is... is the USA doing the same to Russia or anyone else? Valid question. Although I don't think it should change anything as far as how America feels about Trump's extremely fucked up behaviour when it comes to Russia/Putin. There is something seriously weird going on there, and everyone should be extremely worried about it... I actually think whatever is going on with Trump's refusal to unfriend Putin is what wil be impeachable, if anyone can ever fucking figure out why he's doing it. I mean, even if the actual reason is sheer stupidity it wouldn't even matter.
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
"Earlier this month, Russian intrusions took a sinister new turn, with the joint FBI-Department of Homeland Security disclosure that the Russians have been hacking US infrastructure, including the electric grid.
If you weren't already worried about Russia, you should be now, and
it's past time for the United States to define what a "proportionate
response" looks like in these new forms of grayscale warfare (not armed
conflict, but not peaceful coexistence, either).
why Americans should be worried. According to the FBI and DHS, the
Russians have been stealing information and testing attack scenarios on
the structure and operations of the US electric grid, including
industrial control and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems. Attacking those systems, particularly in a way that does permanent damage, could lead to a prolonged power outage."
And now the question is... is the USA doing the same to Russia or anyone else? Valid question. Although I don't think it should change anything as far as how America feels about Trump's extremely fucked up behaviour when it comes to Russia/Putin. There is something seriously weird going on there, and everyone should be extremely worried about it... I actually think whatever is going on with Trump's refusal to unfriend Putin is what wil be impeachable, if anyone can ever fucking figure out why he's doing it. I mean, even if the actual reason is sheer stupidity it wouldn't even matter.
Team Trump Treason is an organized crime syndicate. Putin has way more than a PTAPE on him. Way more.
He's gotta, right? Or Trump has way more to gain from him than we know. Or both.... But you know, I wouldn't be shocked to find out it's not about Putin having something for him or on him... It really could just be that Putin knows how to stroke Trump's enormous ego, and Trump is sincerely doing this because he is dumb enough to believe that Putin is going to be "good for him" somehow, like on a personal ego level. I dunno. Trump is fucking off his rocker, so applying normal logic doesn't necessarily work.
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
"Earlier this month, Russian intrusions took a sinister new turn, with the joint FBI-Department of Homeland Security disclosure that the Russians have been hacking US infrastructure, including the electric grid.
If you weren't already worried about Russia, you should be now, and
it's past time for the United States to define what a "proportionate
response" looks like in these new forms of grayscale warfare (not armed
conflict, but not peaceful coexistence, either).
why Americans should be worried. According to the FBI and DHS, the
Russians have been stealing information and testing attack scenarios on
the structure and operations of the US electric grid, including
industrial control and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems. Attacking those systems, particularly in a way that does permanent damage, could lead to a prolonged power outage."
And now the question is... is the USA doing the same to Russia or anyone else? Valid question. Although I don't think it should change anything as far as how America feels about Trump's extremely fucked up behaviour when it comes to Russia/Putin. There is something seriously weird going on there, and everyone should be extremely worried about it... I actually think whatever is going on with Trump's refusal to unfriend Putin is what wil be impeachable, if anyone can ever fucking figure out why he's doing it. I mean, even if the actual reason is sheer stupidity it wouldn't even matter.
Team Trump Treason is an organized crime syndicate. Putin has way more than a PTAPE on him. Way more.
and no, there was no link there unless facebook is able to mine for data on the device it is on. it was all done via text message/phone conversation. no google searches or anything of the like. and we got the name from someone who isn't even on social media.
And you have no clue what the guy who rented the place to you was up to...
uh, she didn't even know my name. it was all under my wife's name, who isn't on social media.
So what are you saying? That you think someone is what? Tapping your phones? Seriously man, there IS a link that you're missing. You just don't know what it is. But I assume people know who you're married to, right? It also could have something to do with your own activities while you were there, etc etc. I'm not saying I know what the link is obviously. But there is one that falls short of... whatever you're thinking about. Nobody cares about you enough to know that shit through more sinister means, lol.
no. I don't let her out of the basement.
I was actually going to mention the obvious extreme likelihood of your wife having a secret account that you don't know about.
no, she hates facebook/social media, and is rarely on any electronic device.
I'm not sure if you mentioned using FB on any mobile devices, and if so, do you keep the location off 100% of the time? Everyone in your family also?
Even if you do, I am convinced FB can track user locations from WiFi and cell towers.
This is very creepy, but the bottom line is FB is terrible software.
Team Trump ';-) was able to manipulate fb to illegally get sensitive micro targeted demographic data in swing states that the Dems did not have access to. And guess what, TPG won those states
But that isn't the worst of fb. At it's worst, it's a fake information confirmation bias platform that has access to some our most sensitive information without our knowledge
Let's just hope Myanmar doesn't happen again. With minimal FB regulation, not sure what can stop that.
That's a pretty extremist last sentence there buddy.
(Yeah, I know you didn't compare Trump to Sanders. You compared Trump supporters to Bernie Bros.... Still not comparable, for plenty of reasons, some already mentioned... another big one is simply subject matter. Not all extremists are equal man. I think really that's what you're trying to say, and I strongly disagree with that viewpoint).
I saw that on a bumper sticker years ago and loved it. Use it whenever I can.
That's a pretty extremist last sentence there buddy.
(Yeah, I know you didn't compare Trump to Sanders. You compared Trump supporters to Bernie Bros.... Still not comparable, for plenty of reasons, some already mentioned... another big one is simply subject matter. Not all extremists are equal man. I think really that's what you're trying to say, and I strongly disagree with that viewpoint).
I saw that on a bumper sticker years ago and loved it. Use it whenever I can.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
That's a pretty extremist last sentence there buddy.
(Yeah, I know you didn't compare Trump to Sanders. You compared Trump supporters to Bernie Bros.... Still not comparable, for plenty of reasons, some already mentioned... another big one is simply subject matter. Not all extremists are equal man. I think really that's what you're trying to say, and I strongly disagree with that viewpoint).
I saw that on a bumper sticker years ago and loved it. Use it whenever I can.
Where did you see that bumper sticker? I'm afraid to guess which state.
That's a pretty extremist last sentence there buddy.
(Yeah, I know you didn't compare Trump to Sanders. You compared Trump supporters to Bernie Bros.... Still not comparable, for plenty of reasons, some already mentioned... another big one is simply subject matter. Not all extremists are equal man. I think really that's what you're trying to say, and I strongly disagree with that viewpoint).
I saw that on a bumper sticker years ago and loved it. Use it whenever I can.
Where did you see that bumper sticker? I'm afraid to guess which state.
That's a pretty extremist last sentence there buddy.
(Yeah, I know you didn't compare Trump to Sanders. You compared Trump supporters to Bernie Bros.... Still not comparable, for plenty of reasons, some already mentioned... another big one is simply subject matter. Not all extremists are equal man. I think really that's what you're trying to say, and I strongly disagree with that viewpoint).
I saw that on a bumper sticker years ago and loved it. Use it whenever I can.
Where did you see that bumper sticker? I'm afraid to guess which state.
Ohio. It was a joke then too.
I know it was a joke, but man... that is putting it out there lol.
and no, there was no link there unless facebook is able to mine for data on the device it is on. it was all done via text message/phone conversation. no google searches or anything of the like. and we got the name from someone who isn't even on social media.
And you have no clue what the guy who rented the place to you was up to...
uh, she didn't even know my name. it was all under my wife's name, who isn't on social media.
So what are you saying? That you think someone is what? Tapping your phones? Seriously man, there IS a link that you're missing. You just don't know what it is. But I assume people know who you're married to, right? It also could have something to do with your own activities while you were there, etc etc. I'm not saying I know what the link is obviously. But there is one that falls short of... whatever you're thinking about. Nobody cares about you enough to know that shit through more sinister means, lol.
no. I don't let her out of the basement.
I was actually going to mention the obvious extreme likelihood of your wife having a secret account that you don't know about.
no, she hates facebook/social media, and is rarely on any electronic device.
I'm not sure if you mentioned using FB on any mobile devices, and if so, do you keep the location off 100% of the time? Everyone in your family also?
Even if you do, I am convinced FB can track user locations from WiFi and cell towers.
This is very creepy, but the bottom line is FB is terrible software.
Team Trump ';-) was able to manipulate fb to illegally get sensitive micro targeted demographic data in swing states that the Dems did not have access to. And guess what, TPG won those states
But that isn't the worst of fb. At it's worst, it's a fake information confirmation bias platform that has access to some our most sensitive information without our knowledge
Let's just hope Myanmar doesn't happen again. With minimal FB regulation, not sure what can stop that.
And Zuckerberg is a rich asshole who didn't and still doesn't care. They sold people's data left and right and got rich doing it, but now he's really sorry for it.
"The Failing New York Times purposely wrote a false story stating that I
am unhappy with my legal team on the Russia case and am going to add
another lawyer to help out. Wrong. I am VERY happy with my lawyers, John
Dowd, Ty Cobb and Jay Sekulow. They are doing a great job and....."
20% of college students believe that it's okay to use violence to suppress speech with which they disagree: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2017/09/18/views-among-college-students-regarding-the-first-amendment-results-from-a-new-survey/
Also, I feel like you're playing pretty fast and loose by calling people with those views Bernie Bros. Trump supporters are one thing. And then left wing extremists and PC-gone-wild types are something completely different altogether. They are not each other's counterpart at all IMO.
Trump explains why he congratulated Putin for election win, says other presidents lacked 'chemistry' with Russian leader - Fox News https://apple.news/Acjaiz9vOSl67ScVku4mbbA
CON2H4 or (NH2)2CO.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Yeah, I know you're not saying that anyone who voted for Bernie is a Bernie Bro. But it seemed like you were saying that those people featured in those links you posted are, and that the violent protesters at Berkeley were ... and maybe that 20% of college students who say that inclusiveness is more important than free speech are? I don't agree at all. If anything, all the Bernie supporters who did NONE of those things are the Bernie Bros.... Or maybe the term Bernie Bros is just a completely moot term. I mean, if what you're saying are Bernie Bros really are... then that's pretty weird, because Bernie doesn't seem to want anything to do with people like that, and they don't seem to represent what Bernie stands for at all, so why would they be called that anyhow?
The Sanders campaign knew it was a problem and they tried to tweet out calls for civility, but they did not change the trajectory. Perhaps you didn't read or see too much about it up in Canada, but if you were in a battleground state like me, it was news.
From the official online dictionary of record (urban of course)... Bernie Bro
- Dude, chill the fuck out. You're becoming such a Bernie Bro.
Dignin's cartoon nails it.
Just thought of the biggest reason these two groups aren't comparable btw... Trump fucking encourages his nut jobs. He loves them. He holds rallies for them. Bernie wants nothing to do with his, lol.
As far as your first point... I don't know. I think he liked the energy at first but then when it started to get bad PR, it was hard to pull it back. Now I'm sure I'm biased (as we all are) since I didn't like Sanders from the start. But I'm a moderate Dem, have been for a long time.
All extremists should be shot.
(Yeah, I know you didn't compare Trump to Sanders. You compared Trump supporters to Bernie Bros.... Still not comparable, for plenty of reasons, some already mentioned... another big one is simply subject matter. Not all extremists are equal man. I think really that's what you're trying to say, and I strongly disagree with that viewpoint).
Yep and our gate keeper just gave the keys to his master with yesterday’s call ...
"Earlier this month, Russian intrusions took a sinister new turn, with the joint FBI-Department of Homeland Security disclosure that the Russians have been hacking US infrastructure, including the electric grid. If you weren't already worried about Russia, you should be now, and it's past time for the United States to define what a "proportionate response" looks like in these new forms of grayscale warfare (not armed conflict, but not peaceful coexistence, either).
And now the question is... is the USA doing the same to Russia or anyone else? Valid question. Although I don't think it should change anything as far as how America feels about Trump's extremely fucked up behaviour when it comes to Russia/Putin. There is something seriously weird going on there, and everyone should be extremely worried about it... I actually think whatever is going on with Trump's refusal to unfriend Putin is what wil be impeachable, if anyone can ever fucking figure out why he's doing it. I mean, even if the actual reason is sheer stupidity it wouldn't even matter.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I'm not sure if you mentioned using FB on any mobile devices, and if so, do you keep the location off 100% of the time? Everyone in your family also?
Even if you do, I am convinced FB can track user locations from WiFi and cell towers.
This is very creepy, but the bottom line is FB is terrible software.
Team Trump ';-) was able to manipulate fb to illegally get sensitive micro targeted demographic data in swing states that the Dems did not have access to. And guess what, TPG won those states
But that isn't the worst of fb. At it's worst, it's a fake information confirmation bias platform that has access to some our most sensitive information without our knowledge
Let's just hope Myanmar doesn't happen again. With minimal FB regulation, not sure what can stop that.
"The Failing New York Times purposely wrote a false story stating that I am unhappy with my legal team on the Russia case and am going to add another lawyer to help out. Wrong. I am VERY happy with my lawyers, John Dowd, Ty Cobb and Jay Sekulow. They are doing a great job and....."
"...I changed by not changing at all..."