United States Two Party System.
I have had this thought a few times and talked about it with my girlfriend a bit. What if we got rid of the two parties and people just ran for office as individuals. As in, 2012, it was just Barack Obama against Mitt Romney, not democrat vs republican. I feel as if political people have to sacrifice personal opinion to please the party they belong to, often causing the distrust I feel with most politicians. I share views with both parties, and consider myself an iduvidual, not a democrat or republican.
What do you all think? Imagine if next election it was Sally vs Sam, and they brought forth their own ideas and opinions without Party influence!
Just a thought I figured could create a fun discussion
What do you all think? Imagine if next election it was Sally vs Sam, and they brought forth their own ideas and opinions without Party influence!
Just a thought I figured could create a fun discussion
Unfortunately, that seems to divide instead of...
...well, instead of the glorious potential of coming together - even if in a small way? Even if in a more important way? So much screaming that few are actually heard, listened to.
I like the individual aspect of this idea. No force to align with a group.
(the fact they're even called "parties" is odd in itself, to me)
To be yourself is all that you can do.
Fuckin' a, Cornell!
Vote, speak out, for yourself and your beliefs.
Guess that's why, when made to choose (so much for freedom of choice, eh?), I went with Independent. And I don't even know what that means anymore.
It seems true, Go Beaver, that we want to group things together, yet often the group becomes inflexible and almost always leads to Group A against group B against Group C, etc. All parties (even Libertarians) run the same way: label, set of codes, check mate.
Plus, our media and entertainment brainwash us into believing we should be a type. Like, pick a type, any type and stick too. I'd rather sample a lot of things and become myself. Being an individual makes for a richer life experience and also makes it easier to be generous and want the same good things for others. My brother once told me, "You're cool, I'm cool. Cool." Right on, Bro.
"We're spinning though space at a thousand miles an hour/ It's a wonder we don't fly off like a meteor shower.
Kind of stolen from Neil Young.
I did not quite my day job!
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
1 President had never served in elected public office, the military, or government before becoming president: Donald Trump. Trump was a real estate developer, television personality and businessman who served as chairman of the Trump Organization.
We already outspend the next 8 largest militaries combined, we don't need to outspend the entire planet, no thanks.
I want to clarify my stance. I believe we should cut the military in half and agree that we over spend entirely on it. But it is a part of the job. And I like people to have experience for the job. Same reason I feel like the candidate should have economic and healthcare knowledge/experience. Not defending the military spending we do
A POTUS needs to be a leader who is surrounded by trusted experts.
-EV 8/14/93
if it was anyone else.
-EV 8/14/93
"Instead of marching down the street with, ah, you know, M-16s and like that we might ah, march down the streets with electric guitars, yeah." -Jimi Hendrix