FS: Pair TC tickets for EV Taormina 26/06/17

I have a pair TC tickets (Level 3) for the Eddie show in Taormina the 26/06/17 for sale.
Please PM or email andertaker15@hotmail.de if interested
Thank you


  • Are TC tix for these shows transferable? Prolly no huh. I might only be able to make it for show #2
  • andertakerandertaker Posts: 102

    Are TC tix for these shows transferable? Prolly no huh. I might only be able to make it for show #2

    Hi, no they are not, they are for show #1, show #2 has no TC tickets, but there are still tickets left for night 2, check ticketone.it
    If you can make it to show #1, let me know, thanks
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