Looking for a ticket buddy to Dublin EV Show

With odds for the Dublin show at 99%, it may be hard to move my second ticket (which I would need to do). If I were to win the lottery, are there any takers out there for my second ticket?

Trying to debate whether to enter the lottery or just pick up a single on Friday when they go on sale.


  • Hello,

    I live in Dublin and might go. Tickets are very pricey though!!! Presale is for seats, isn't it? The seats start pretty far back in the 3 Arena. If I was going I would buy a standing ticket.
  • brio33800brio33800 Posts: 77
    I am interested in ur ticket it it's still for grab....
  • bendhair23bendhair23 Posts: 105
    At this point I have someone lined up. Sorry for the late response. Will let you know if something changes. 
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