A plea to play Alaska

riley540riley540 Posts: 1,132
I grew up in Alaska, and moved to Washington state last year at 20 years old last year.

Alaska has one professional sports team, the Alaska Aces hockey team who plays in the ECHL. They are one of the only events that occupy the local arena. When I was a kid it was a sell out every night. Locals from all over Alaska would come and go nuts for the Aces, they have won 3 championships throughout my childhood and it was the best experience from being a kid for me, seeing my team win.

The Alaskan economy hit the shitter and attendance dropped the past 3 years. The team has decided to quit operations. Without them a lot of people will be out of work and the local arena will get no use, so the fear of losing our only sports/concert venue is massive right now.

PEARL JAM should come blow the roof off of the Sullivan arena, to show Alaskans that the building has a purpose. With jobs being lost and families struggling, a few nights of bringing everyone together and great music would mean a lot right now. As a kid I learned who Pearl Jam was going to the games as they played tracks from 10 over the speakers.

It's a sad time for lots of Alaskans, and nobody wants to lose the building that housed our local heroes for years. So please, come give Alaskans a good time.



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