Recently started playing the piano. Any tips?

I know Pearl Jam is guitar driven but anyone on here play the piano? I've learned a few songs so far (Karma Police, Nightswimming, Metamorphosis II minus the fast parts) but just memorizing which keys to hit is a slow process. I need to learn the chords and read music so I can learn songs faster. If anyone has any tips or some good resources to teach yourself piano it would be great to hear about them.
It is interesting that it took me many, many years to appreciate the piano. I was surprised after playing guitar over the years how tough it still was to play with both hands at the same time on the piano. Now I'm concerned as I don't pick up the guitar much at the moment.
It is interesting that it took me many, many years to appreciate the piano. I was surprised after playing guitar over the years how tough it still was to play with both hands at the same time on the piano. Now I'm concerned as I don't pick up the guitar much at the moment.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Also, I would recommend that you pick up some classical books to learn with. What you're playing is great, but that kind of music isn't the best for learning IMO. If you start with classical repository beginners books (including the chord guides, theory books, etc) and work up from there, you will learn what you need to know to play all the modern stuff. And as a bonus, it's really cool to be able to sit down and whip out some Mozart or Beethoven. It impresses people.
And don't forget your scales (with the proper fingering)! The boring exercises like scales are what promote your muscle memory for playing. That kind of regimented training is actually REALLY helpful for learning to play.