Canada's mosque
looks like the Prime Minister's good intentions aren't liked by everyone in Canada.
looks like the Prime Minister's good intentions aren't liked by everyone in Canada.
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
To call someone a terrorist, you'd have to prove that without reasonable a doubt he or she intended (or conspired) to act maliciously. Is the NRA in bed with each proponent of gun violence in the States? That's what the NRA as terrorists would look like.
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Cutlery is an extremely inefficient way to kill. But yeah, if it were the year 1200, i might be going after whatever group says that its okay for every American to have an arsenal of combat swords in their home.
doesnt sound very civilised does it?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
If your battle is against tools that can be used for good or evil and plan on unequivocally condemning them and their users, you will run out of tools to live day to day with, and run out of decent people to communicate with.
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
-EV 8/14/93
just a thought.
Most victims of terrorism are Muslim, but terror events only make it to Fox News when the victims are white I guess.
they did it in Canada at a very intense time and not Afghanistan or Iraq, next they may do it at the one in your neighborhood,
and of course you had to bring up the "white" thing..but I guess liberals need an ace up the sleeve to cover their mixed words.
yeah, radical islamic terrorists are the big fucking problem in america.
-EV 8/14/93
The different types of Muslims have been fighting each other, for hundreds if not thousands, of years.
I know you won't do it but Google Shia vs. Sunni to learn something.