Yo, Siri!!- Possession is 100%

This story picks up as our main character steals an iPhone off a dead body, in a murder that she is witness to. It is set here, in Colorado Springs, Co, present day.
BAM. BAM,BAM,!! Then just the echoes of the shots fired, singing out to dissipation over the nearly empty parking lot. Xandra shivered as she hid inside her little Kia Spectra. She just kept praying that it would be safe to breathe as she strained to remain below the window. Her mind raced, the man was about 6, 2". Wearing a green, or black hoodie. She couldn't remember.. Just that he was White and tall... or was he just average height?? He could have been Mexican..
She sat up slowly, the snow was still falling, but the blue Honda was gone. Where it had been, was now a red pool, and it was steaming.. the body was eerily still.. too still. Xandra wiped her nose, which was running, from the cold and her tears; she suddenly realized, she had just witnessed a murder. Her breath caught in her throat. She had just witnessed a murder, and she couldn't even report it, because her deadly abusive husband was a Sargent in the Denver PD " ReallyGod?" she wailed as she pounded the steering wheel. She had no choice, she had to leave.. NOW!
But she was on her last 1/4 tank of gas, and had left her purse back at home to throw Jim off the trail some. She stepped out into the frigid Colorado air, and ran to where the body lay, just few yards distance.
She leaned over the slumped heap of inanimate flesh, and tried to speak.
"Hello? Are you ok?"
Nothing. Xandra leaned closer, and was almost bowled over by the smell of feces. She nudged the body with her foot. The body slid flat, and suddenly, could see that it was a man. Instantly, she could see that he was dead. She jumped backwards, and slipped onto her butt. In the distance, she could hear the sirens.
With a resolve she didn't know she had she crawled back to the body, rummaged through all his pockets, and came away with a fat wallet and an iPhone 6. She scrambled back to her Kia, jumped in, and scrambled to get her engine going. The car revved to life, and Xandra drove as quickly as she could along the path of common traffic, and made her way towards I-25.
BAM. BAM,BAM,!! Then just the echoes of the shots fired, singing out to dissipation over the nearly empty parking lot. Xandra shivered as she hid inside her little Kia Spectra. She just kept praying that it would be safe to breathe as she strained to remain below the window. Her mind raced, the man was about 6, 2". Wearing a green, or black hoodie. She couldn't remember.. Just that he was White and tall... or was he just average height?? He could have been Mexican..
She sat up slowly, the snow was still falling, but the blue Honda was gone. Where it had been, was now a red pool, and it was steaming.. the body was eerily still.. too still. Xandra wiped her nose, which was running, from the cold and her tears; she suddenly realized, she had just witnessed a murder. Her breath caught in her throat. She had just witnessed a murder, and she couldn't even report it, because her deadly abusive husband was a Sargent in the Denver PD " ReallyGod?" she wailed as she pounded the steering wheel. She had no choice, she had to leave.. NOW!
But she was on her last 1/4 tank of gas, and had left her purse back at home to throw Jim off the trail some. She stepped out into the frigid Colorado air, and ran to where the body lay, just few yards distance.
She leaned over the slumped heap of inanimate flesh, and tried to speak.
"Hello? Are you ok?"
Nothing. Xandra leaned closer, and was almost bowled over by the smell of feces. She nudged the body with her foot. The body slid flat, and suddenly, could see that it was a man. Instantly, she could see that he was dead. She jumped backwards, and slipped onto her butt. In the distance, she could hear the sirens.
With a resolve she didn't know she had she crawled back to the body, rummaged through all his pockets, and came away with a fat wallet and an iPhone 6. She scrambled back to her Kia, jumped in, and scrambled to get her engine going. The car revved to life, and Xandra drove as quickly as she could along the path of common traffic, and made her way towards I-25.
Post edited by whispering hands on
Xandra drive a few miles south, down into Aurora, before she felt safe pulling into a gas station. It was an old, deserted, unmanned station that had been there for years. She pulled up next to the pump, and turned off the car. Looking over at the seat next to her, she stared with trepidation at the phone and wallet. The phone just kept vibrating... She picked it up and saw the screen was filled with text from the Siri function. Her curiosity would have to wait. She exchanged it for the obese wallet, which once she picked it up, she could see the bills stacked inside. As she opened it, she saw the gleam of several different credit cards.
She rifled through the plastic, hesitant to use them as they could trace her line of travel with them. But then something distinctive stood out. Pulling out two different cards, she held them side by side, and took in what she had noticed. There were two different names on them. She pulled out two more, two of the same name. Two more, one of the same, one of the other. She pulled out the last two.. ID and the same second name. She had to use a card at this station... she wasn't going to make it ANYWHERE on what fuel she had. Leaving a pike of plastic on her seat, she withdrew a random card, and proceeded to purchasing her freedom
The Interstate roared with intensity as the early morning traffic picked up. Jim would just be waking. He would expect her to be out walking the dogs by now, and hopefully, wouldn't realize that she had turned them loose as she'd snuck out. For a detective, her husband was sorta dense... As she pulled away from the gas pump, a vehicle pulled into the lot behind her. Xandra struggled to keep her cool; everyone was an undercover, just itching to clue Jim in on where they'd seen her.. she had to ditch this car.. soon!
The traffic was a great place to hide for the moment.. it provided her time to plan. Merging into the southbound mob, she finally felt at least partially safe. Soon after the last Denver/Aurora exit, traffic thinned out, and she was able to put speed behind the distance she was putting between her and the hellish life she'd lived the last 9 years.
She knew that iPhones could be 'jail broke'; no FCC restrictions, making Siri moldable into this sort of vulgarity. That didn't explain how it knew she had turned off the sound, OR the phone though. She held down the home button to speak to Siri.. " How did you know I turned the volume off?" Another stream of garbled and unrepeatable words filled the screen. Again she spoke into the phone, "Why are you so angry?" The answer was unexpected.. " You stoled my phone bitch! " "Umm..."
she started, "You ARE a phone.."
"Well, I mean that I am currently holding this conversation with an iPhone 6.." she paused. "A phone that seems to have an extremely low grade level of education.. errgh, programming?"
The 'low battery' notification popped up onto the screen face, just as the phone responded.
"I got a edu-cashen, bitch. I too tie-ed to awgrue wit'chu. I feel like I'na' pass out."
"I don't have a charger to charge you."
"Yo Stowe's my beel back too, din'yo? Go buy un!!"
She was a bit stunned, as the cold began to settle around her; the Kia was becoming a Frigidaire.
"Well, before you die.. uhh uh I mean 'pass out... Could you google a cash only Motel?"
"Yo chawg me iv I do?"
"Yes.. please just locate a motel."
"Sho'nuv.. day a hoteh down awn Codorado Av'nue. It cawed El Codorado Ladge".
"You mean 'Colorado Lodge?"
"Yo, fuck you bitch! Go geda a room, an plug ma ass IN, if I a phone...o'I caw de cops. 911 in ma data-base, Bitch!"
"I caw'in da cops!"
"Go for it, I'll throw you in the trash, where that filthy mouth of yours belongs!" She noticed herself wagging her finger at the phone. The second low battery warning popped up.
She set the phone on the passenger seat, volume off, and face down, before she turned the key. The car sputtered to life, then she cleared her windows before she pulled back out into traffic.
Xandra, whom had always preferred being called Xan, had grown up here in the Springs, and she knew exactly where the El Colorado Lodge was. If she remembered right, there was a tiny convenience type store up the road from the motel, in Manitou Springs, where she could purchase a phone charger, and some food. She really wanted a beer. She really wished she had remembered her sunglasses, as the sun broke through the falling snow, giving the otherwise cloudy sky a violent reflection. She squinted her crystal blue eyes, as she made her way to 30th st, to cut over towards Manitou Springs. As she passed Garden of the Gods on 30th, she recalled the first time her dad had taken her there.