Mailers (free)

given2fly23given2fly23 Evanston, IL Posts: 5,941
Does anybody spend a lot on padded mailers and want a bunch? I have a box full of random (sticker size to 12 x 14) and rather give them to someone who can use them than put them in the recycling bin. I'm located in Evanston, IL and pickup would be preferred. I could ship a box full but not sure it's worth it.

Would consider other ideas that reduce waste as well.

Found: Soundgarden Hyde Park DVD (Thank you for the gift!)
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  • FR181798FR181798 Posts: 2,166
    If you have a local independent record store, then they might want them. A place near me was advertising for record mailers but no where near you.

    I sell loads on eBay and hardly ever buy mailers and envelopes. I reuse as many as I can, it means you can keep postage and packing as low as possible, the only downside is peeling off stickers and cutting card etc takes longer than you would think.
  • given2fly23given2fly23 Evanston, IL Posts: 5,941
    Good idea. Not sure they would work for records, most of them are the paper with internal bubble wrap, not cardboard. But I can check. In the meantime, if anyone in the Chicago area wants them, let me know.

    Found: Soundgarden Hyde Park DVD (Thank you for the gift!)
    Posters for Sale:
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  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 94,147
    edited December 2016
    If you lived in Canada I would totally take that box. They are great for audio / video B+P's, trades & freebies. ;)
    Post edited by demetrios on
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