Shannon effects

There was a guy on here who used to post several years ago that built shannon effects. I think he was known for the overdrive. Some of you guys purchased one from him. I was looking around on reverb and there is one on there. looks to be an older one. it looks to be orange. i looked around the web and it got some good reviews back in the day.
do any of you have any experience with these that could give me some insight on the pedal?
do any of you have any experience with these that could give me some insight on the pedal?
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
The overdrive was based on the tubescreamer circuit, although it had some differences in the tone stack. I believe that there's an internal switch to choose between symmetrical and assymetrical clipping in the op amp? Maybe I need to dig it out and play with it.
Compared to a stock TS-9, there was just a little more gain, grit, and body with the Shannon. Less mid-focused.
I wish I knew what happened to that guy, he built some really cool stuff. I had planned on buying one of his Phasers, but then he quit building. His username here was Telesonic, which was funny because I had a Fender Telesonic guitar at that time. Eric Shannon. Good dude. Makes me hella nostalgic!
the one i was looking at does not have the switch according to the description on reverb.
i remember when he was stopping building. at the time i was happy with my setup and did not have a lot of cash sitting around for pedals. i do remember regretting not being able to get any of his pedals though.
we ought to try looking him up on facebook or something. maybe he has some extras sitting around, or maybe we can talk him back into the game....i doubt it, but worth a shot i think.
i was feeling nostalgic as well. that is kinda why i brought it up.
i looked on youtube and there were no demos. must have stopped before everyone started demoing on the youtubes.
i just looked on reverb and it ended up selling. damn.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."