Wrigley 2016 Posters for trade
I have 1 of each of the Wrigley Posters for trade including a Gold Reaper Variant. Interest in PJ20 posters, Cleveland 2003, Boston 2004, West Palm 2008, or some vinyl but I don't mind if you shoot any other offers over! Get created the worst I can say is no thanks. Posters were purchased at the show and have been in a tube since. Can sell if you want as well but looking for a fun trade.
Forgive me for being way late on this post but looking for Klausen poster. Don't have anything to trade but if you still have it would you be interested in selling? I had one but gave it as a gift to someone on an impulse. I don't regret giving it away (much ... lol) but would love to have a poster from the shows. They were amazing.
(And this is poster -- either version -- I'm looking for: http://www.artillerydesign.com/main.php?page=view_item&item_id=229&pg=0)