FT Thomas Catch poster for Red Last Kiss 7" Pics added!!! Done deal!

tempo_n_groovetempo_n_groove Posts: 40,576
edited December 2016 in Lost Dogs
Long shot I know but I'd trade my poster for that record.

Others I'd consider are the Star Anna red or blue records.

If you are down let me know.
photo IMG_4220_zpswmjwixw0.jpg
photo IMG_4221_zpsg28do6bq.jpg
photo IMG_4222_zps18jlati2.jpg

The blemish in question is in the dated area. Slight streaking is visible up close not so much from afar. Still a beautiful poster and most people won't even notice unless you call it out.

All 4 corners are sharp and mint!

Post edited by tempo_n_groove on


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