PJ is Playing In The World Series of Poker 2008!!

Well kinda sorta anyway! Actually I'm not to sure if many of us within the Pearl Jam community know this, but amongst the diehard fan base there is a gentleman named Jon Turner who is both a major Poker player both live and online as well as a major PJ fan.
He plays at most of the online sites as either "PearlJammer" or "PearlJammed". He is currently ranked 7th in the world in online Poker play and he's currently still in the Main Event for the World Series of Poker with about 80,000 in chips behind him. I'm pretty sure he visits this site on regular basis with the exception of right now since he's still in it, so let's all wish a fellow PJ fan lots of luck in taking down the holy grail of all Poker tournaments!!!
Here is a link that will direct you to his poker stats.
He plays at most of the online sites as either "PearlJammer" or "PearlJammed". He is currently ranked 7th in the world in online Poker play and he's currently still in the Main Event for the World Series of Poker with about 80,000 in chips behind him. I'm pretty sure he visits this site on regular basis with the exception of right now since he's still in it, so let's all wish a fellow PJ fan lots of luck in taking down the holy grail of all Poker tournaments!!!
Here is a link that will direct you to his poker stats.