Looking for: San Diego 2006 FLAC

This is the only show I've been to that I don't have the official CD or high res download of (in my youth I didn't see why I should spend $15 for something I could get for $10 and downloaded the MP3).

Anyway, if anyone has this and would be willing to share it would be appreciated. I could put a few bootlegs on a flash drive and send it your way.

Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving.


  • Bud ColderBud Colder Baltimore Posts: 142
    Get cd of flac from nugs net if i had it I would burn cd for you nothing asked !!! Sorry sometimes you got to pay but if I was you I would get it on cd or flac just say no to mp3 lol
  • I'd gladly pay Nugs for it but I can't find any of the 2006 shows on their website. Am I missing something?
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