Off course it does I mean your the only one in the country who has the answers no ?
I don't put faith in one person, or office.
You wanted big govt, now you got it. I laugh about it.
I think we got Bigly Government.
Whatever it is. People can't ask for it from one guy and then complain that the next can't have it. They are getting what they wanted.
If only you directed all your bitterness toward doing something for the good of everyone. Instead, all you do is come on here and berate everyone else's comments, try to convince us all that you're better than everyone else, and that you have it all figured out. You act as though somehow you're "winning" in all of this. There is not one single American citizen benefiting from the current establishment, save those few involved in it. But you. YOU. You think you're just so much better, smarter, and more deserving than everyone else here. Get over yourself.
Off course it does I mean your the only one in the country who has the answers no ?
I don't put faith in one person, or office.
You wanted big govt, now you got it. I laugh about it.
I think we got Bigly Government.
Whatever it is. People can't ask for it from one guy and then complain that the next can't have it. They are getting what they wanted.
If only you directed all your bitterness toward doing something for the good of everyone. Instead, all you do is come on here and berate everyone else's comments, try to convince us all that you're better than everyone else, and that you have it all figured out. You act as though somehow you're "winning" in all of this. There is not one single American citizen benefiting from the current establishment, save those few involved in it. But you. YOU. You think you're just so much better, smarter, and more deserving than everyone else here. Get over yourself.
but he DOES have it all figured out! because he doesn't vote! he just bitches about all the people that do!
Off course it does I mean your the only one in the country who has the answers no ?
I don't put faith in one person, or office.
You wanted big govt, now you got it. I laugh about it.
I think we got Bigly Government.
Whatever it is. People can't ask for it from one guy and then complain that the next can't have it. They are getting what they wanted.
How were your meetings with the government officials? Any direction on what may be forthcoming with policy or changes in federal regulations that affect the states?
Wasn't that a hypothetical question? But I'll speculate. Maybe he called no witnesses or documents because he knows it will fail in the senate. So why drag the process out and keep it in the daily news longer when you can just let it die faster?
Thats what I would do. They've been calling for impeachment since he was elected. This poll was created days after the election, before he even took office. They were going to keep trying until something stuck. So why even get involved?
Wasn't that a hypothetical question? But I'll speculate. Maybe he called no witnesses or documents because he knows it will fail in the senate. So why drag the process out and keep it in the daily news longer when you can just let it die faster?
Thank you.