Moline was my first show. Would a Fenway Thomas show edition and Wrigley Faile show edition put me in the ballpark for a trade. If I'm a little light, by how much?
$400-$500 for Moline when you search eBay sold items. Maybe hold out awhile and see what happens to the value of the two you have now. Moline was going for about $200-$250 a year after the show, so your two may jump up in value fast.
That's what I figured Stickman12. I think the Thomas will continue to rise as will the Faile. I think cubs winning last night will help all the Wrigley gear from this year.
The Catch is such an awesome print but looking at custom frames, man it's tough ($$) to hold onto posters of shows u didn't go to
$400-$500 for Moline when you search eBay sold items. Maybe hold out awhile and see what happens to the value of the two you have now. Moline was going for about $200-$250 a year after the show, so your two may jump up in value fast.
Maybe its just me, but I don't like the Faile at all. I don't see this ever becoming a valuable poster like the Moline. The Catch, on the other hand, may get up there in a few years from now. The issue with your proposal is generally people aren't trading their older highly sought after posters for newer "hot" posters. If you want the Moline now, and I would suggest that getting it now before it goes up even more (see Pittsburgh 13), then I think your much better off selling the Faile and Catch and just buying the Moline.
The Catch is such an awesome print but looking at custom frames, man it's tough ($$) to hold onto posters of shows u didn't go to
Got the Klausen and Taylor from Wrigley shows.