
Bud ColderBud Colder Baltimore Posts: 142
Any 10 c member have a Fenway keychain or a Thomas poster they want help out another 10 c member!!! It's sad I check and they don't have any Thomas poster for sale than I look tonight they have them but are sold out what a joke you would think they would email us letting us know ... but I guess they are pissed at me cause they have been rude to me. at philly this year I bought 6 shirts 2 posters I was rolling up posters up dude put shirts in bag . Long story short I get back to Baltimore. And 1 shirt has a slice in it and than they give me info to dude was mean saying there are signs saying check merch before leaving lol I never seen 1 sign he said no he would not cover it 10c won't help and I'm pissed off I spent 1000 bucks in philly and the can't give me a credit it's wrong big time. They are being greedy and it's not right !!!!
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