At first it was because eBay sellers would not ship to Canada or changed their mind about selling. Now it seems that the price for a show edition on eBay has suddenly jumped. $180 - $200 - now one is up for $250. Not sure what is driving the price up as that is significantly more than I expected based on previous sales. Factor in the conversion to Canadian dollars and this print is suddenly too much for my budget. I realize that for those of you with serious collections that may not make much sense and it's certainly not up there with some that I have seen but I have a pretty humble collection. Guess I should have started looking for this gem sooner!
At first it was because eBay sellers would not ship to Canada or changed their mind about selling. Now it seems that the price for a show edition on eBay has suddenly jumped. $180 - $200 - now one is up for $250. Not sure what is driving the price up as that is significantly more than I expected based on previous sales. Factor in the conversion to Canadian dollars and this print is suddenly too much for my budget. I realize that for those of you with serious collections that may not make much sense and it's certainly not up there with some that I have seen but I have a pretty humble collection. Guess I should have started looking for this gem sooner!
Fair enough I was just wondering. Hang in there! You'll get one eventually.
Grail secured! Thanks everyone who encouraged me on this quest, especially HollisBrown, sjd3232, bootlegger10, mcgruff10, front spacer, jp77380. Cm189191, soon I will be having a cup of tea and wondering if we are both admiring our poster at the same time!
Grail secured! Thanks everyone who encouraged me on this quest, especially HollisBrown, sjd3232, bootlegger10, mcgruff10, front spacer, jp77380. Cm189191, soon I will be having a cup of tea and wondering if we are both admiring our poster at the same time!
Grail secured! Thanks everyone who encouraged me on this quest, especially HollisBrown, sjd3232, bootlegger10, mcgruff10, front spacer, jp77380. Cm189191, soon I will be having a cup of tea and wondering if we are both admiring our poster at the same time!
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