ISO fenway waaf and pennant sticker. $ or trade or donation???

armyfanarmyfan Posts: 346
Im looking for the free waaf sticker, and $2 pennant sticker. I realize there is an after market for these things, so im not offering $2. Ill start at $20 and go from there. Intention is for thomas fenway frame job. Have every other insert in hand, not these 2 items. I have other fenway merch that everyone else has to trade, pin, other stickers, earplugs if that would do it. Have pj boston flag as well, if i gotta do it, i will. Would also make a nice donation to any charity as well. Someone hook a brotha up please!! BEAT NAVY!!! Pm please!!


  • armyfanarmyfan Posts: 346
    Thanks everyone!! Have leads on both superfast!! You guys are great!!!!
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