FT: MSG 1 '16 Poster for Philly 1 '13 Poster

fl4tdrivenfl4tdriven Moscow, PA Posts: 332
edited August 2016 in Lost Dogs
Looking to trade my MSG 1 BioWorkz 2016 owl poster for a Soto Philly 1 2013 poster. The Owl is a show edition, non-A/P. Also looking for a sticker from the same show (Philly 1 2013). The owl seems to be going for more than the Soto is, so if we could work out Poster for Poster+sticker trade, that would be ideal. Let me know what you have!
Philly 10/21/13 - MSG 5/1/16 - Fenway 8/5/16 - TOTD 11/4/16
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