Spare Fenway Cards

pjungerspjungers Posts: 77
edited August 2016 in Lost Dogs
I stuck to the limit of 10 packs at the Fenway merch stand. This has me close to the full set, but just 7 cards shy. Below are some (terrible quality) pictures of the cards I need. Please let me know if you have any of these for trade. I have a stack of 40+ duplicates, so let me know if you are looking for any. Let's help each other out!

Boom - All set!

Jeff - All set!


Matt - All set!
Post edited by pjungers on


  • pjungerspjungers Posts: 77
    Updated the above post. I just need 1 Stone card!

    Please let me know if you can help. I can send you a photo of my duplicates for trading. Thanks!
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