Trade Fenway Cards for Wrigley Cards

Its early to put this out there, but I've got Fenway cards, looking to trade for Wrigley cards when they come out. Can either trade sealed packs or may be able to trade a set for a set.


  • rocardosoreisrocardosoreis Brazil Posts: 29
    Hey. I want a Mike card, but I live in Brazil and I will never be able to buy one of those Wringley or Fenway cards. If you are interested we could do a trade. I have a Rio de Janeiro sticker (2015).
    That old blue car
    We used to race.
    MSG 11/07/2016 (TOTD)
    Rio 11/22/2015
    Rio 11/06/2011

  • YoungJam35YoungJam35 Posts: 151
    Bumping this up if anyone is interested in trading.
  • YoungJam35YoungJam35 Posts: 151
  • rugbydonrugbydon Posts: 27
    I have some extra Wrigley cards and stickers. I am looking for the 3 sticker cards from Fenway for the 3 from Wrigley. I would also like the 6 of the boys in Boston Jerseys and I have a bunch of random doubles from Wrigley if you are interested in trading.
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