Still looking for help. Would also offer to buy your poster for you in exchange for picking one up for me if not interested in a trade. I'll be at the show Sunday, so I could offer to trade/pay at the venue.
I'm confused. You're offering to buy someone their copy of the poster if they agree to pick one up for you--and you have no takers?! I'm going to the Sunday show, and i'd be more than happy to get one for you. My problem is with us leaving early Sunday morning to drive (over) to Boston. I have a feeling you'll be able to get one yourself better than my chances would be on your behalf.
Yes, that's my offer yet no one has taken me up on it. If no takers tomorrow I'll have to hope my train arrives in time for me to pick up my tickets and get inside in time to try and pick up my own.
So there weren't any Thomas posters available today, so I'm still looking for one. I was able to get some cards, so I could possibly offer that in trade.