ISO 2016 Show Tickets

drakeheuer14drakeheuer14 Posts: 4,514
edited August 2016 in Lost Dogs
Hey all, I have an idea I would like to try out. So I am after any full TM ticket from the past arena tour. I would like to have the full ticket, so if they happened to tear yours and leave you with just a stub, thanks for reading anyways. Doesnt matter where in the building you were sitting. As I find them I will mark the different cities as found. Don't really have things to trade currently, but if you help me out maybe I can swing you a couple bucks or better yet keep you in mind when you have things you are after from shows we both might be at in the future.

This might be impossible to complete, but lets see what happens. Thanks for any help.

Ft. Lauderdale -
Miami -
Tampa -
Jacksonville -
Greenville - FOUND
Hampton -
Raleigh -
Columbia - FOUND
New Orleans -
Lexington -
Philly 1 -
Philly 2 -
New York 1 -
New York 2 -
Quebec -
Ottawa -
Toronto 1 -
Toronto 2 -
Pittsburgh 2013
Cincinnati 2014
Greenville 2016
(Raleigh 2016)
Columbia 2016
Post edited by drakeheuer14 on


  • drakeheuer14drakeheuer14 Posts: 4,514
    Posted late last night, maybe more people will see with this bump!
    Pittsburgh 2013
    Cincinnati 2014
    Greenville 2016
    (Raleigh 2016)
    Columbia 2016
  • drakeheuer14drakeheuer14 Posts: 4,514
    Yeah this was a long shot :disappointed:
    Pittsburgh 2013
    Cincinnati 2014
    Greenville 2016
    (Raleigh 2016)
    Columbia 2016
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