MSG Temple of the Dog tickets for Fenway merch

left the porchleft the porch Posts: 504
edited August 2016 in Lost Dogs

I have a pair of tickets, section 210 row 3 seats 1 & 2 for the MSG show November 7th. I paid $216 US for them. I would like to trade them for $216 worth of Fenway merch. I'm coming to both shows but don't get into town until the afternoon of the fifth. Im just looking for someone who is already lining up for their own merch to help me out and pick me up what I want. For the record I don't expect anyone to waste their time, just if they're already in the line. And I have no problem lining up myself, I've spent many hours in merch lines. I just thought I could find someone who needed tickets and who was already lining up themselves. I really wish I would've planned to come to town earlier, but I couldn't make it happen. The tickets are in my Ticketmaster account and can be transferred to anyone with an account.

PM me if interested.

Peace, love and Pearl Jam!!
Post edited by left the porch on


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