Blood red roses and a bottle of wine

The old house was in disrepair and sat alone
On the edge of the woods where the ocean meets the sand
Redwood trees as high as I could see let in small rays of the sun
And old rocking chair on the porch rocked back and forth
As if the old woman sitting in my dreams was waiting for me.
She smiled and waved and stood up proud
Then she turned and walked inside
And from the kitchen window I heard a voice
Son won’t you come inside.
Blood red roses and a bottle of wine
Sat a table set for two.
Where have you been she said
Then asked me if I wanted some wine
You’ve been gone so long and the war’s been over since 1865
Your daddy’s up stairs and cries every night
Waiting for a word from you.
As her voice started to fade I looked up stairs
The old man was standing at the door
And with a tear in his eye he said to me
Son It’s good to see you thank the Lord you’re home
Then turned and walked away back into his room.
Now I’ve flown around the world a time or two
I’ve seen the eagle fly
And whenever I can I’ll stop on by
And talk to the old man inside his room.
The Blood red roses and a bottle of wine
Are a gift she leaves me every time
And she says son won’t you come inside
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Almost lyrical, and so evoking of images, and emotion.
As always, thank you.