The Struts - Carrboro, NC July 15th 2016

Sit back and relax folks, this is gonna be a long one
Alright, I'm sure many of you have heard of The Struts. You may have heard a song or two on the radio, you may own their album or a have bought a few songs on iTunes, but please, do yourself a favor and GO SEE THE STRUTS LIVE!
I've been a massive fan of the band since i first heard "Coulda Been Me" on iTunes and i finally had the chance to see them and the amazing band Dorothy for the first time this past Friday and both bands killed it.
We got to The Cat's Cradle around 1:30 in the afternoon (a good 5 and a half hours before the doors were supposed to open) and we parked right across from the tourbus. My buddies were a little skeptical about getting to the show that early, but I knew it would be worth it in the long run. I hopped out of my buddy's car and told him to start cranking their album as loud as he could, and sure enough, about 5 minutes later Luke Spiller (the band's lead singer) walked out of the bus with his girlfriend and waved us over to him. I grabbed both of my copies of their debut album (they have a UK and a US version) and ran over to him. We all chatted for a few minutes and Luke and his girlfriend couldn't have been any cooler or more down to earth. After talking for a bit, Luke headed inside and we walked back to the car, but it wasn't much later that the rest of the band began to walk off the bus and out of the venue. We managed to meet everyone in under an hour! Just like Luke before them, all of the members seemed to be so down to earth and cool. Each of them took their time to talk with us and sign autographs. Adam Slack, the band's guitarist, even joked around with me about my kinda southern accent and him not being able to understand it.
After meeting everyone and geeking out over them for a while, we decided to grab lunch and then head back towards the doors to get into the venue. Back there my two friends and I met four other people that shared the same loves as us and we all buddied up and told stories and jokes. And then, the rain came pouring down. We were all soaked from head to toe, but it didn't dampen out excitement.
The doors opened around 7 and we all ran inside. I followed the 4 new friends in and bolted toward the front of the stage. We agreed on a system where two people out at a time so that we could grab stuff from the merch booth.
Dorothy hit the stage around 8 and the band absolutely destroyed the place. Dorothy herself sang her heart out and made sure everyone in the crowd was rocked and loaded before The Struts came on. They played for about 30-45 minutes and then they left the stage. We waited for about 20 minutes before someone finally came out on stage. The guy told us that the rain had caused some problems with the equipment and he thanked us for waiting. The guy then jokingly suggested that we should all start singing Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody for the band and about a second later, our entire group of 8 people (we met another awesome girl inside) started singing. We drew strange looks from people around us, but we didn't care. Someone actually started filming us singing from up on stage.
Around 9:30, The Struts hit the stage and for about and hour and a half, my life couldn't get any better. I was up against the railing right in the middle of the stage with Luke Spiller looking directly down on me. I sang my lungs out and two days later, my voice still hasn't come back entirely. The band was so tight and loud and made sure we were just as loud as they were. Luke's ability to interact with the crowd was incredibly. He truly is the second coming of Freddie Mercury.
After it was all said and done, we headed out to the parking lot, all of us still in a daze, and started blabbering on about the show and how much fun it was and how incredible the band was. As we walked back to our cars, we saw Adam Slack and Gethin Davies with their girlfriends loading onto the bus. The 7 of us ripped into applause and cheers for them and both band members lit up. As Gethin walked away i yelled back at him, "See you in Charlotte!"
Now it looks like i'm going to see them a second time in Charlotte in September. But hey, i ain't complaining!
I wanna personally thank Jake, Gus, Amanda, CJ, Aubry, Dusty, Nick, and of course, Dorothy and The Struts!
Alright, I'm sure many of you have heard of The Struts. You may have heard a song or two on the radio, you may own their album or a have bought a few songs on iTunes, but please, do yourself a favor and GO SEE THE STRUTS LIVE!
I've been a massive fan of the band since i first heard "Coulda Been Me" on iTunes and i finally had the chance to see them and the amazing band Dorothy for the first time this past Friday and both bands killed it.
We got to The Cat's Cradle around 1:30 in the afternoon (a good 5 and a half hours before the doors were supposed to open) and we parked right across from the tourbus. My buddies were a little skeptical about getting to the show that early, but I knew it would be worth it in the long run. I hopped out of my buddy's car and told him to start cranking their album as loud as he could, and sure enough, about 5 minutes later Luke Spiller (the band's lead singer) walked out of the bus with his girlfriend and waved us over to him. I grabbed both of my copies of their debut album (they have a UK and a US version) and ran over to him. We all chatted for a few minutes and Luke and his girlfriend couldn't have been any cooler or more down to earth. After talking for a bit, Luke headed inside and we walked back to the car, but it wasn't much later that the rest of the band began to walk off the bus and out of the venue. We managed to meet everyone in under an hour! Just like Luke before them, all of the members seemed to be so down to earth and cool. Each of them took their time to talk with us and sign autographs. Adam Slack, the band's guitarist, even joked around with me about my kinda southern accent and him not being able to understand it.
After meeting everyone and geeking out over them for a while, we decided to grab lunch and then head back towards the doors to get into the venue. Back there my two friends and I met four other people that shared the same loves as us and we all buddied up and told stories and jokes. And then, the rain came pouring down. We were all soaked from head to toe, but it didn't dampen out excitement.
The doors opened around 7 and we all ran inside. I followed the 4 new friends in and bolted toward the front of the stage. We agreed on a system where two people out at a time so that we could grab stuff from the merch booth.
Dorothy hit the stage around 8 and the band absolutely destroyed the place. Dorothy herself sang her heart out and made sure everyone in the crowd was rocked and loaded before The Struts came on. They played for about 30-45 minutes and then they left the stage. We waited for about 20 minutes before someone finally came out on stage. The guy told us that the rain had caused some problems with the equipment and he thanked us for waiting. The guy then jokingly suggested that we should all start singing Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody for the band and about a second later, our entire group of 8 people (we met another awesome girl inside) started singing. We drew strange looks from people around us, but we didn't care. Someone actually started filming us singing from up on stage.
Around 9:30, The Struts hit the stage and for about and hour and a half, my life couldn't get any better. I was up against the railing right in the middle of the stage with Luke Spiller looking directly down on me. I sang my lungs out and two days later, my voice still hasn't come back entirely. The band was so tight and loud and made sure we were just as loud as they were. Luke's ability to interact with the crowd was incredibly. He truly is the second coming of Freddie Mercury.
After it was all said and done, we headed out to the parking lot, all of us still in a daze, and started blabbering on about the show and how much fun it was and how incredible the band was. As we walked back to our cars, we saw Adam Slack and Gethin Davies with their girlfriends loading onto the bus. The 7 of us ripped into applause and cheers for them and both band members lit up. As Gethin walked away i yelled back at him, "See you in Charlotte!"
Now it looks like i'm going to see them a second time in Charlotte in September. But hey, i ain't complaining!
I wanna personally thank Jake, Gus, Amanda, CJ, Aubry, Dusty, Nick, and of course, Dorothy and The Struts!