Amp troubles

Hey dudes. So i have a had vox night train for few years and went to fire her up the other day and shes lost, pretty well, all volume. Ive been doing a bit of reading, but am still a rookie with tube amps, as this has been my first one and havnt had any troubles. From what ive read im thinking about replacing the tubes. But i just find it funny how the amp was fine one day and no good the next. No loss of tone or volume, just a sudden drop. The power light comes on, tubes still glow and are warm, plus theres still a slight hum. So i was wondering what you experienced gentleman might have to say about the matter. Cheers


  • xtremehardy388xtremehardy388 Posts: 2,759
    Sometimes it just happens but some things to think about:

    Is there ANY fuzzy noise (even faint) coming from the amp?
    Was there any pop as you turned it on?
    If the tubes are glowing, it shows they're getting power. Are they discolored? Check these before you replace tubes. ALSO, I'm very wary of replacing tubes (just a fear I have) because they can hold power for so long after they've been turned off.
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • petersm69petersm69 Posts: 43
    Yeah there is a definite hum coming from the amp, or speaker i should say. I wouldnt say there was a pop turning on but a pop turning the amp to standby if thats any help. Tubes dont look discoloured at all, however i just noticed one filament seems to glowing brighter than the other in one of the pre-amp tubes. When you mean they hold power, do you mean youre wary of being shocked when taking tubes out?
  • dudemandudeman Posts: 3,119
    The capacitors in the amp will hold significant current, not so much with the tubes.

    The first thing I would check is cables. Clean the jacks on the amp, (input and speaker) then clean the output jack on the guitar. A cotton swab with some Deoxit will be sufficient.

    Also, if you use pedals, check out the interconnect cables.

    I've seen the symptoms you describe numerous times and the culprit is almost always cables and jacks, especially if you play long sessions or play outside in the summer heat and humidity.

    If all of that checks out, find a local tech and have them test your tubes and check the amps bias. (If the Night Train isn't a fixed bias amp.)

    Good luck!
    If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done. - EV
  • xtremehardy388xtremehardy388 Posts: 2,759
    Dudeman has it 100%. It's easier just to say "+1" than reiterate what he said. Keep us posted!!
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
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