Username changed

breganbregan Phila. PA Posts: 3
Somewhat new member. My current username is different from when I signed up, I only noticed because I had to reset my PW after my saved login info wouldn't work. Did I miss something? THANKS


  • deadendpdeadendp Northeast Ohio Posts: 10,434
    Just let the mods know. A lil while ago, that same thing happened to a few people I know and they got it all straightened out.
    2014: Cincinnati
    2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
  • breganbregan Phila. PA Posts: 3
    Thanks for the tip! Now to find a mod...
  • SeaSea Posts: 3,081
    Please see your inbox
  • breganbregan Phila. PA Posts: 3
    Resolved---thank you!
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