I am disabled I'm in a wheel chair, and please understand it's hard to get around, see the show, loose your seating just going to bathroom.
I became disabled due to complications during a surgery, and I also have Crohn's Disease which caused me to have my colon removed because of cancer. I've been to 5 shows as a 10 Club Fan, but the last show was in Mansfield 2003 my first in a Wheel Chair.
Another Fan posted in 2014 about people who need ADA Seating, and what problem's can happen which I had almost all my first time.
This will be my second since 2003 in a chair, and I'm so afraid it will happen again. I'm not the only one in a chair with Disability's that's why I'm posting.
In Mansfield I had two tickets for ADA seating, but I also had a gift from Mike waiting at the 10 Club Ticket booth. I had e mailed 10 club about giving my two daughters my tickets that's when I had to have surgery due to the cancer. They were so great, but then I wrote back, and said I was going to the Concert. I told my Doctor I was going to see Pearl Jam one more time before I died! Somehow the letter was sent to Mike, and that's why he did the passes I think? Long story short the whole day including seating, and meeting Mike got messed up.
I had backstage passes, but not for seating. We were able to wait in the back until the show, and that was great. Then it was time to see the show, and that's when the problem's started.
I handed my tickets to a women to show us to our seats. The women was rude, and did not even listen that I had 10 club seats. She grabbed the chair from my daughter and put us way up almost in lawn seating, but the worst was she put me behind a pole! I was so far up I could not see the, pole was in my way, and the fan's didn't know they were standing in front of me.
I have ADA seating for Fenway Aug 7th, but I'm so afraid of what will happen with my seats. I'm afraid this will happen again. People don't understand how hard being in a chair is. If I'm sitting behind people when there standing, I can't stand, and trying to use the bathrooms is almost impossible! If I'm put in seating with standing fans I have to be pushed through a crowd who can't hear me or see me. It's not only me their are so many Pearl Jam Fan's in Chairs. I guess I'm writing this, because I have no idea where ADA Seating is in Fenway.
People who know I have ADA Seating have said I'm lucky, because I'll have great seat's. I'm not lucky I'd rather walk, and stand, and go where I want. I use to be strong before I got sick, and I know many who are disabled feel the same our disability takes our strength, and voice.
Please be aware of us, and understand that we can't do what you can. We can't stand, take great pictures, like your able to. Maybe you could offer to take a picture, or if you know we are behind you ask if we can see maybe you could help a little.
I understand so much now of what someone who is disabled struggles to do I wasn't always this way.
I think I'm writing this, because I just came from an event I had to leave and I am so afraid it may happen Aug 7th. I've been a fan from day one Pearl Jam is my band, and their music has been the only part of my life that still makes sense, and even gets me through a bad day.
I hope you understand why I'm posting this. I only Pray my seats are with 10 club fans, and if anyone reading this no where our seating is please let me know, because I can't find it.
Please support the Crohn's Foundation. Thank you!
I became disabled due to complications during a surgery, and I also have Crohn's Disease which caused me to have my colon removed because of cancer. I've been to 5 shows as a 10 Club Fan, but the last show was in Mansfield 2003 my first in a Wheel Chair.
Another Fan posted in 2014 about people who need ADA Seating, and what problem's can happen which I had almost all my first time.
This will be my second since 2003 in a chair, and I'm so afraid it will happen again. I'm not the only one in a chair with Disability's that's why I'm posting.
In Mansfield I had two tickets for ADA seating, but I also had a gift from Mike waiting at the 10 Club Ticket booth. I had e mailed 10 club about giving my two daughters my tickets that's when I had to have surgery due to the cancer. They were so great, but then I wrote back, and said I was going to the Concert. I told my Doctor I was going to see Pearl Jam one more time before I died! Somehow the letter was sent to Mike, and that's why he did the passes I think? Long story short the whole day including seating, and meeting Mike got messed up.
I had backstage passes, but not for seating. We were able to wait in the back until the show, and that was great. Then it was time to see the show, and that's when the problem's started.
I handed my tickets to a women to show us to our seats. The women was rude, and did not even listen that I had 10 club seats. She grabbed the chair from my daughter and put us way up almost in lawn seating, but the worst was she put me behind a pole! I was so far up I could not see the, pole was in my way, and the fan's didn't know they were standing in front of me.
I have ADA seating for Fenway Aug 7th, but I'm so afraid of what will happen with my seats. I'm afraid this will happen again. People don't understand how hard being in a chair is. If I'm sitting behind people when there standing, I can't stand, and trying to use the bathrooms is almost impossible! If I'm put in seating with standing fans I have to be pushed through a crowd who can't hear me or see me. It's not only me their are so many Pearl Jam Fan's in Chairs. I guess I'm writing this, because I have no idea where ADA Seating is in Fenway.
People who know I have ADA Seating have said I'm lucky, because I'll have great seat's. I'm not lucky I'd rather walk, and stand, and go where I want. I use to be strong before I got sick, and I know many who are disabled feel the same our disability takes our strength, and voice.
Please be aware of us, and understand that we can't do what you can. We can't stand, take great pictures, like your able to. Maybe you could offer to take a picture, or if you know we are behind you ask if we can see maybe you could help a little.
I understand so much now of what someone who is disabled struggles to do I wasn't always this way.
I think I'm writing this, because I just came from an event I had to leave and I am so afraid it may happen Aug 7th. I've been a fan from day one Pearl Jam is my band, and their music has been the only part of my life that still makes sense, and even gets me through a bad day.
I hope you understand why I'm posting this. I only Pray my seats are with 10 club fans, and if anyone reading this no where our seating is please let me know, because I can't find it.
Please support the Crohn's Foundation. Thank you!
From, which I have found to be very reliable:
Wheelchair seating:
The following list contains the rows with wheelchair seating. There are quite often regular seats mingled in with the wheelchair slots in these rows. Please view the exact section, row and seat to determine if a seat is a wheelchair slot.
Bleacher 40 row 1
Bleacher 41 row 1
Bleacher 42 row 1
Bleacher 43 row 1
Field Box 9 row 1
Field Box 10 row 1
Field Box 11 row 1
Grandstand 2 row 18
Grandstand 3 row 18
Grandstand 14 row 18
Grandstand 17 row 16
Grandstand 18 row 16
Grandstand 23 row 16
Grandstand 24 row 16
Grandstand 31 row 16 seat 17 - 22
Grandstand 32 row 16 seat 1 - 10
Green Monster 6 row 3
Pavilion Club 9 row 4 seat 7 - 14
Pavilion Club 10 row 4 seat 5 - 11
Loge Box 162 row PP seat 1 - 6
Loge Box 163 row PP seat 1 & 2
Right Field Box 3 row M
Right Field Box 4 row M
Right Field Box 5 row N
Right Field Box 8 row 1
Right Field Roof Deck Section 43 row H seat 1 - 14
We believe that the Right Field Roof Terrace seats can be removed
easily to make space for a wheelchair. If so, the following apply:
Right Field Roof Terrace A row 1
Right Field Roof Terrace B row 1
The last show I attended walking was in VA Beach I think it was 2003, my memory so bad LOL. It was the first show after the tragedy. My daughter & I were in row 3, and the guys were so emotional, and TEN CLUB FANS were so incredible. The emotions ran high it was something I'll never forget. I really love being in the fan club section. Your a member you understand, when we pay are membership we don't know if their touring. We pay because we are true fans, and I'm proud to be hear. Thank you are you going to Fenway? Your baby is adorable!