Suggestion for next Pearl Jam record

Do 15 songs, like half of it unreleased shit (Cold Confession & Sunburn are 2 off the head that work), and half on it new shit, sort of Hodge-Podge the way No Code was. I think that type of record, a Lost Dogs meets No Code if you will, would work really well, take some chances, maybe you strike out a few times, but maybe hit some Home Runs in the process. If an album produces 4 or more songs that become regular concert rotation songs, that would be a very great thing, new shit to play that people really respond to, is an inspiration to keep creating. Plus an album like that could be thrown together much more quickly since half the album is already done with the exception of maybe re-recording some of the songs. Also I think all us fans would be super stoked to get 15 songs, it could be your most successful album since Yield. And I am sure Neil Young would say something to the effect of "fuck it, at least you tried"
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