Finally got to see PJ live in South Carolina, and Eddie inspires with his words

so I thought I'd drop some lines from my head. First a bit of back story.... I was at NC State in 1990-93. My roomie was a guy that went around and set up stages for shows, so always had backstage access to great shows. Unfortunately I have some disabilities that kept me from working with him, so I missed some great opportunities including lollapalooza in Raleigh 1991 and 1992(I MISSED PJ!!!). Since that time I have remained an avid fan of Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains, and Soundgarden. I had no idea why a kid from across America seemed to relate to and understand these "crazy grunge people" from Seattle. Now I realize that they wrote words that I myself took to mean what I wanted them to mean, as a good fan should in my opinion. Anyways, I finally got to see Pearl Jam perform live 25 years later sitting in a wheelchair in Greenville, SC and Columbia, SC. in April 2016. I was seated beside Steve Gleason in Columbia (2 seats down.. I can hear myself screaming in some of the vids he posted on youtube hehe). It was a bucket list thing for me to see Eddie and the group let it out live before I die, so I greatly enjoyed the shows. I only wish I were able to stand up for hours so I could have been near the front row instead of up to the side high in wheelchair seats. I'd like to thank the group for the part of themselves they let out on stage those nights by the way. It inspired me to let out a few words myself, so without further adieu....

I'm Tryin'

The Sun is black
the Air is cold
not one piece of my mind
do I still hold

fallin off the edge
dyin on the way down
do you still think
I should wear your frown?

the weight of the words
is more than I can carry
but you keep shovelin it on me
then you have to dare me

stretched thin
about to break
unleash the beast

pulled out
pushed in
stomped on
try again

The sun in bright
I feel warmth in the night
the demons are coming
am I ready to fight

pulled out
pushed in
stomped on
try again

ripped apart
glued together
seen so much damn
stormy weather

I am still here
even though some say i'm gone
but I have to write these words
before my life's blown

knowledge to pass
wisdom to gain
in the middle a thin line
on the other side, insane

pulled out
pushed in
stomped on
try again

try again....


why are words so easy
but the truth so hard
I'll tear out my heart
on this notecard

the truth is we all have pain
the truth is some can hold it
then there are some of us
continuing to fight it

when you speak the truth
your heart will lighten
when others hear your words though
some it will frighten

consider all the pain you could bear
then double it for every hour you live
you can hold it so long,
stitch your heart with every bit you give

a torn out heart is easy to fix
so let the truth take you there
or lie through your life
and I will see you down where

No Title
One chance for life, one slip to death
not guaranteed even one single breath
born blind to good and bad
good times not realized when had
bent by drugs and alcohol's hand
jump on stage, hear our band
the best song written is all true
lives lost, memories misconstrued
a final moment before I leave
no bruised tracks beneath my sleeve
my scars are hidden from peoples' sight
but run deep, cause i still have to fight
for the reason I need
the friends I heed
books I read, the planting of a seed
into my consciousness born
pushed in spite of scorn
bad memories now torn
out, spread asunder
isn't life a lifetime of blunder?

This crazy stuff pops into my head weird; like in my sleep or some random time. One rhyme becomes a jumbled mess which I edit to make it at least readable before they are completed poems. I have a bunch of random paragraphs that I just never included into a poem. I also stupidly tossed a notebook that I had been writing poems in since 1990 years ago. I'd even like to see into my head back then hehehe. Hope someone enjoys these words and is inspired to put up some of their own words because of it. Thanks Eddie and friends for inspiring me to share these words, if they are liked, then I may put up my next whirlwind of words whenever it happens. Enjoy everyone. Don't ask me what it means, it means whatever you think it does, that's the beauty of written words, how they are comprehended by the reader.
after 25 year wait: Greenville april 16th, 2016 and Columbia, SC on 21st. thanks for the memories PJ


  • AnnafalkAnnafalk Sweden Posts: 4,004
    Thank you for sharing, hoping to
  • jason03jason03 N.C. Posts: 17
    Thank you, glad someone liked it(or at least read it). I have some paragraphs that I need to look through and put together for some more then. That old saying... "if you reach one person" comes to mind here lol, but takes nothing away from my appreciation of you commenting, so thanks again. Next night I have a chance to watch some old bootlegs from PJ, we'll see what happens then. When you see Eddie Vedder put his entire being into a song, all for the crowd, and even get lost in the crowd reaction to their music, it is definitely inspiring. Thanks Eddie Vedder, I can't imagine life on Earth without my heart on my sleeve, so that's how I live, for good or bad.
    after 25 year wait: Greenville april 16th, 2016 and Columbia, SC on 21st. thanks for the memories PJ
  • jason03jason03 N.C. Posts: 17
    "words from a dream state"
    a genius at work
    with no blur in sight
    or insanities hand
    late at night
    evolution of modern man
    seen in history again
    but suprised
    when it arrives
    a world full circle
    is left to decide
    a new idea for modern man
    lost in books and on news stands

    -jb the og sasquatch
    after 25 year wait: Greenville april 16th, 2016 and Columbia, SC on 21st. thanks for the memories PJ
  • i_lov_iti_lov_it Perth, Western Australia Posts: 4,007
    Hey Nice writing...keep it up...
  • jason03jason03 N.C. Posts: 17
    Thanks... ok then, here's another one...
    Fast Life

    I grew up alone for most of my life
    found my own ways to deal with the strife
    30 years later, as I look back
    regret, regret, a mountainous stack
    every day i wonder how to climb to the top
    every day i give up, i stop
    another day dawns, and again I start
    because I believe I can make it-in my heart
    but my heart is tattered, only a shell
    and my mind is shattered, a fog from hell
    trying to find focus in a world of wills
    trying to live clouded by pills
    all the pills are supposed to bring calm
    instead though it seems they are the cause of harm
    the problem with a mind totally alone
    is that it is never able to feel at home
    so much running, so much fear
    I lose meaning, don't want to be here
    wisdom inside a head
    a couple sleeping in a bed

    -jb the og sasquatch

    hope you guys enjoy this stuff! Peace ppl! Heart as light as a feather... something to work toward.
    after 25 year wait: Greenville april 16th, 2016 and Columbia, SC on 21st. thanks for the memories PJ
  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,808
    Well done Jason! Great verse and some of them read like great song lyrics to me. Thanks for sharing them!
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • jason03jason03 N.C. Posts: 17
    Thanks bud! Neil Young rocks btw
    after 25 year wait: Greenville april 16th, 2016 and Columbia, SC on 21st. thanks for the memories PJ
  • jason03jason03 N.C. Posts: 17
    OK, woke up with part of this in my head, couldn't sleep, so worked on it a bit. probably pretty rough, but I feel pretty rough at this point, so it works for poetry lol...

    The Whisper

    tell me that you said hey
    that you were here today
    that tomorrow never comes
    and the work is never done
    In my mind I'm wasting time
    till dawn comes down the line

    tell me it's all fine, how well
    I've managaed to walk the line
    A feast of wisdom on which to dine
    will have me feelin fine
    until comes that time
    until my ppl give me that sign

    Now say nothing else at all
    disappear not even a call
    see ya world, seeing red
    sinking in the muck inside my head
    must have been hearing voices today
    got me feeling weird this way

    gotta let it out let it go
    unanchor me from it, freeflow
    Trying hard to keep it in
    Losing the battle again
    gotta find a way to go,
    figure out how to freeflow

    -OG Sasquatch 6/2016
    after 25 year wait: Greenville april 16th, 2016 and Columbia, SC on 21st. thanks for the memories PJ
  • AnnafalkAnnafalk Sweden Posts: 4,004
    It's so relieving to let it all flow out in a poem, at least that's how I feel.
    Thank you for sharing your good poems.
  • jason03jason03 N.C. Posts: 17
    edited June 2016
    Thank you, I'm humbled. I wrote this about a year ago, I always liked it, so that usally means it's the worst one, but why not? It does feel good to share and imagine that someone relates to my words in any way.

    it keeps us down,
    makes planets go round,
    keeps the universe sane,
    gives weight to our brain.
    9.8 meters per second squared;
    defeated where eagles dare.
    Are these physics so devine?
    we toast knowledge with worldly wine

    Can't we all just fly;
    to hell with knowledge, just get high
    and see that gravity may hold us down,
    and make murderers roam our towns.
    a cloud of facts surrounds the Earth
    men reach for these from day of birth.
    and on our last day here,
    comes the end to our universal fear.
    as gravity pulls us six feet down
    to the next child I pass my crown.

    A new beginning for mankind
    a flash of greatness in a mind
    Answers too complex to heed
    knowledge too powerful to lead
    jumping through the sky
    with the knowledge in his eye
    thinking it all makes sense
    but actually having only a hint
    destined to fall, waiting to fly
    alive for seconds, centuries to die

    -OG Sasquatch 2015
    after 25 year wait: Greenville april 16th, 2016 and Columbia, SC on 21st. thanks for the memories PJ
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